A voice for
herbal medicine

We share traditional, scientific and practical insights written by experienced herbalists and health experts from the world of herbal medicine and natural health

A history of Ayurveda and the growth of the Materia Medica

Herbalist Sebastian Pole gives a broad overview of ancient Indian culture and Ayurvedic history....

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Adaptogens: Managing stress and stressful situations

Adaptogens help the body to adapt, adjust and recalibrate itself depending on our emotional...

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An Ayurvedic perspective on arthritis

The seasonal change that takes place moving from the heat of summer to the...

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An introduction to herbal energetics

Herbal energetics are the descriptions Herbalists have given to plants based on the direct...

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Ayurveda and immunity: Thriving the Ayurvedic way

Ayurveda presents some excellent philosophy and guidance on how we can maintain a healthy...

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Back to the future: How plant medicine can save us from antibiotic resistance

Antibiotics have undoubtedly saved millions of lives but the assumption that they are safe...

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Balancing oestrogen

Elevated oestrogen dominance are some of the most common factors associated with breast, uterine...

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Crap food leads to crap health: Why do we put up with it?

We know that good quality, nutritious food optimises health and prevents disease but we...

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Getting the dose right

Getting the dosage right is key to a successful treatment. Here we will look...

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Give herbs a chance

There is a rise in complex chronic conditions. We explore how and why herbal...

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Green bean fermentation recipe to nourish your microbiome

Fermenting has always been a part of food cultures, until recent years. We share...

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Healing the Whole

How herbs are changing the face of the world through a holistic approach to...

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Healthy oils: Good and bad fats

Fat can be healthy, you just have to pick the right ones. We will...

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Healthy weight

Maintaining a balanced body weight and appearance is a constant pressure in the modern...

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Herbal quality and safety: What to know before you buy

We explore what to look out for when buying good and safe herbal products.

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Herbalism at home: Top 5 kitchen herbs and spices

One of the wonderful things about herbalism is that it is so accessible. We...

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Herbalists and sustainability: Let’s work together

The Herbal Alliance has the aim of promoting and supporting herbal medicine and herbalists....

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Is there a natural solution to the over-medicalisation of women?

Sebastian Pole explores whether it is best practice for drugs to be the first...

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Is there hope after Cop26?

Herbalist Sebastian Pole explores how we, as herbal organisations, suppliers and herbalists, can stand...

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Is using herbal medicine for health political?

We explore a harmonised approach to human, economic and ecological health. Find out here...

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Our favourite healing gardens in the UK

Medicinal plant gardens are a delightful way to get to know natures medicine for...

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Relaxation: Herbs that help you relax

We all need to relax sometimes. Modern living is stressful and our adrenal glands...

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Seasonal eating and fasting with Ayurveda

Our digestive system adapts to the seasons throughout the year. Herbalist Sebastian Pole explores...

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The art and science of herbal formulation: Traditional Chinese medicine

Herbalist Sebastian Pole explores what's in a traditional Chinese herbal formulation.

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The art and science of herbal formulation: An introduction

The art & science of herbal formulation can be viewed as a pinnacle of...

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The art and science of herbal formulation: Ayurvedic formulation

Herbalist Sebastian Pole explores the creation of Ayurvedic formulas which is based on some...

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The art and science of herbal formulation: Western herbal medicine

We explore how formulations and medicine making of traditional medicine in the west has...

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The Ayurvedic approach to digestive health and nutrition

In this article Sebastian Pole looks at the Ayurvedic perspective of how both the...

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The joys of being a vegetarian

The vegetarian world is a colourful, nutritious and exciting place; perhaps more than you...

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The lipid layer: Medas dhatu, health and balanced weight

Our lipid layer protects, comforts and nourishes our whole body. Here we delve into...

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The six tastes

Taste impacts what we eat, when we eat and how much we eat. Each...

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The story of life: People, plants and planet

However hard we might try not to be; we are all interconnected. Each living...

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Turmeric, rather a lot more than curcumin

Curcumin is undoubtedly a key active medicinal constituent found in turmeric but there is...

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