A voice for
herbal medicine

We share traditional, scientific and practical insights written by experienced herbalists and health experts from the world of herbal medicine and natural health

Ecological farming for medicinal herbs

What is the impact of agricultural practices on herb quality, soil health and the...

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The relevance of traditional ecological knowledge for modern herbal medicine

Indigenous people hold valuable wisdom when it comes to managing their natural environment. We...

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The sustainability of devilā€™s claw

As devilā€™s claw grows in global popularity for its medicinal virtues, is this herbā€™s...

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The sustainability of echinacea within herbal medicine

Echinacea is one of the most popular herbal medicines, but its popularity has come...

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The sustainability of liquorice

Liquorice is one of the most valued herbal medicines globally, yet its population sizes...

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The sustainability of Siberian ginseng

As popularity for this adaptogenic herb increases, how can we ensure we are sourcing...

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