A voice for
herbal medicine

We share traditional, scientific and practical insights written by experienced herbalists and health experts from the world of herbal medicine and natural health

How can we reap the health benefits of herbs? Let’s talk about research

This is Viv Rolfe's critical analysis of research techniques and how limitations pose a...

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How to search for herbal science research: Top tips and techniques

Viv Rolfe explains where to look for good quality herbal research, and how to...

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Pollutants, pesticides and our microbiome: How they all affect allergies

The onslaught of synthetic chemicals has affected people’s immune systems, and microbiomes. We explain...

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Research seeds: Ginger

In this article, we discuss the “Effects of Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Roscoe) on Non-Alcoholic Fatty...

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The effects of modern life on our gut health and what to do about it

With the advent of ultra-processed foods and the over-use of pharmaceuticals, what do we...

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