A voice for
herbal medicine

We share traditional, scientific and practical insights written by experienced herbalists and health experts from the world of herbal medicine and natural health

The sustainability of Siberian ginseng

As popularity for this adaptogenic herb increases, how can we ensure we are sourcing...

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The sustainability of devilā€™s claw

As devilā€™s claw grows in global popularity for its medicinal virtues, is this herbā€™s...

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The sustainability of pau dā€™arco

Ann Armbrecht shares insights into the use, conservation, and harvest of pau dā€™arco, its...

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Chinese herb sustainability: Who is responsible?

Sustainability of herbal medicines and supply chains are very complex topics and issues vary...

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Sustainable practices: An easy slippery elm sustainable harvest guide

There are no published studies to help guide ā€˜sustainableā€™ harvests for slippery elm. Here...

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Slippery elm sustainability: What practitioners and consumers should know

Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra) is one of the most well-known, and widely used, medicinal...

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The sustainability of echinacea within herbal medicine

Echinacea is one of the most popular herbal medicines, but its popularity has come...

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The sustainability of liquorice

Liquorice is one of the most valued herbal medicines globally, yet its population sizes...

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Extinction threats and CITES protection: Rhodiola as a case study

Many medicinal plants are under threat because of overharvesting, for example the popular Rhodiola....

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Goldenseal: Sustainability status

Susan Leopold explores what can be done to ensure Goldenseal's sustainable supply in future.

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Toward a sustainable future for frankincense: An ancient medicine in a modern world

Dr. Anjanette DeCarlo and Stephen Johnson explore the many changes the sustainable trade in...

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Kava: Mythical origins and epic coevolution

Origin Myths from various cultures and religions are fascinating examples of oral tradition. Bill...

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Aphrodisiac plants used in Ayurveda: Complex formulas, ancient and modern

Matthew Clark takes a historical glimpse at plants and formulations used in Ayurveda as...

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Endangered plants and women’s health: Fertility herbs at risk

Susan Leopold, Executive Director at United Plant Savers, discusses why plants used for women's...

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