A voice for
herbal medicine

We share traditional, scientific and practical insights written by experienced herbalists and health experts from the world of herbal medicine and natural health

Ecological farming for medicinal herbs

What is the impact of agricultural practices on herb quality, soil health and the...

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Discover the power of the wild with FairWild

As 60–90% of medicinal plants in trade are wild-harvested, sustainable sourcing is vital to...

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Soil health and human health

Healthy soil is alive, teaming with bacteria, fungi, insects and all sorts of life....

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Growing in the city: How to do it and why we should

It is a common misconception that it is almost impossible to grow food and...

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Making sense of sustainable agriculture

There are many different ways that we can grow food and herbs more sustainably,...

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How to make your own compost

Composting is good for the planet, free, easy and gives you high quality compost...

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Regenerative farming vs organic farming

Regenerative agriculture is the new buzz-word in sustainability circles and beyond but what’s it...

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Growing food for systems change: Can it change the world?

Can growing food really help face the waves of crises we face today? We...

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A beginner’s guide to growing medicinal herbs

Growing herbal medicines is a very enriching practise, which supports our wellbeing in its...

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