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Traditional herbal medicine, pharmacognosy, and pharmacopoeial standards: A discussion at the crossroads

  • Roy Upton
    Roy Upton

    Roy Upton is the founder, president, and editor of the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP). He has been working and practicing professionally as a herbalist since 1981, and he trained in Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese, and Western herbal medicine and has also studied and worked extensively with Native American and Caribbean ethnobotanical traditions. As an integral part of his work as a herbalist, he spends a great deal of time defending the rights of consumers to access herbal medicines and to see herbal medicine integrated into the fabric of both our homes and health care systems.

    Listen to Roy Upton’s Herbcast episode “Herbal Pharmacognosy and Pharmacopoeial standards“.

  • 10:12 reading time (ish)
  • Western herbal medicine Safety

Despite the development of modern medicines, herbal medicine remains the mainstay of medicine for most underdeveloped and developing nations.

Traditional herbal medicine, pharmacognosy, and pharmacopoeial standards A discussion at the crossroads

For multiple millennia, humans have relied on plant-based materials for all aspects of human existence including for food, fuel, our homes and clothing, and not the least, our medicines. Through hundreds of thousands of years of co-evolution, plants have developed protective mechanisms, secondary metabolites, to curtail predation and ensure the plant’s continued survival. In like fashion, humans have developed biological pathways and processes that allow us to consume numerous plants to our benefit.

Despite the technological advancements that gave rise to the development of modern medicines in the past few hundred years, herbal medicine remains the mainstay of medicine for most underdeveloped and developing nations. Similarly, recognition of the health potential both of botanical medicines and traditional healing systems, along with the many failures of conventional medicines and the paradigm by which they are used, has resulted in increased use of medicinal plants in most developed nations. The rapid and increasing rise in the worldwide use of herbal medicines in recent decades suggests botanical medicines, both traditional and modern, fulfill a therapeutic niche not adequately addressed in modern health care delivery systems. Since the introduction of COVID, botanical medicines specifically have exponentially grown in popularity in great part fueled by recognition of the importance of immune health and the complete lack of Western medical therapies to address this beyond vaccinations. At the same time, there is a propensity, predominantly in developed, but also developing nations, to research herbal medicines in the same manner as modern chemically characterized drugs. This trend is driven partly by a belief that the same regulatory requirements that are applied to modern pharmaceuticals should be applied to herbal medicines and partly by economics.

Roy Upton

Roy Upton is the founder, president, and editor of the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP). He has been working and practicing professionally as a herbalist since 1981, and he trained in Ayurvedic,... Read more

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