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Psilocybin and depression: Where are we currently at with the psilocybin revolution?

Efforts by scientists bring in major changes with the decriminalisation of the therapeutic use of psychoactive plant & fungi as medicine.

Psilocybin and depression Where are we currently at with the psilocybin revolution

You may or may not be familiar with changing laws surrounding psychedelics around the world, but it seems that collective efforts by researchers, scientists & psychedelic activists are bringing in major changes in the West with the decriminalisation and in some cases even legalisation of the therapeutic use of psychoactive plant & fungi as medicine.

One of the most exciting areas of research and legislative developments is on the use of psilocybin to treat major depressive disorder (MDD) and treatment resistant depression (1). Depression is the number one cause of disability in the world with approximately 300 million people affected. Costing an annual $210 billion dollars to the global economy (2) with an estimated 10% to 30% considered treatment-resistant to pharmaceutical antidepressants (3), MDD is a growing problem that requires healthcare systems to consider new methods of help.

This much needed help is looking like it is found within one of nature’s most magical gifts, the humble psychedelic mushroom. In recent decades ethnobotanists have discovered that the use of mushrooms for religious, healing and divinatory experiences spans across multiple indigenous cultures. From a herbalist’s point of view, what unites all of the global distribution of psychedelic mushrooms is the collection of potent neuro-active metabolites that inhabit each mushroom. Psilocybin being one of these inherent metabolites of particular interest to scientists, researchers and psychiatry.

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