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Pharmacology of herbal antibiotics

  • Marion Mackonochie
    Marion Mackonochie

    Marion Mackonochie is a medical herbalist and member of the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy. She initially studied a degree in pharmacology and worked in publishing on drug discovery journals. Feeling a disillusioned by what she could see of the pharmaceutical industry and being a lover of plants, she retrained with a degree in herbal medicine followed by a masters in phytochemistry and medicinal natural products.

    Everything Marion does, from seeing patients to planning research projects as Senior Herbal Specialist at Pukka Herbs, is aimed at figuring out what works best for every individual. She is passionate about helping people gain control of their own health through diet, lifestyle and herbal medicine. Every consultation allows her to learn from the narratives of others, but she is also interested in the wider narrative of the history of medicine and how we have got to where we are with herbal medicine and health.

    Marion lives and practises by the sea in Brighton, growing herbs in her garden, making skincare products and spending as much time in nature as she can.

    Listen to Marion Mackonochie’s Herbcast episode “Harnessing Hepatics: Marion Mackonochie’s On Herbs For Liver Health

  • 7:59 reading time (ish)
  • Western herbal medicine

Our ability to treat bacterial infection using pharmaceuticals is jeopardised by antibiotic resistance. How are plants able to combat bacteria and how can we use them in practice?

There is a strong history of using herbs to treat or prevent common infections. Many herbs that we use have been found to have antibacterial properties. Exploring how these work will help us to decide when and how they will add positively to healthcare.

Why is understanding herbal antibiotics important?

Pharmacology of herbal antibiotics

In the days before antibiotics, more than half of deaths were due to infectious diseases (1). The use of antibiotics has extended lifespan, both due to increased survival and the advances in medicine, such as surgery, that have only been possible due to our ability to combat infections (1).

However, due to a combination of a lack of investment into antibiotic drug discovery, overuse of these wonder drugs, and the innate ability of bacteria to evolve to resist and survive against them, we are currently in an antibiotic resistance crisis. Whether it will just take more responsible use of antibiotics and more funding for the development of new ones, or a dramatically different take on the problem remains to be seen. Herbal antibiotics, as sustainable and accessible forms of healthcare are likely to be a part of the solution.

Marion Mackonochie

Marion Mackonochie is a medical herbalist and member of the College of Practitioners of Phytotherapy. She initially studied a degree in pharmacology and worked in publishing on drug discovery... Read more

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