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Economic influences of medical evolution

  • Roy Upton
    Roy Upton

    Roy Upton is the founder, president, and editor of the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP). He has been working and practicing professionally as a herbalist since 1981, and he trained in Ayurvedic, Traditional Chinese, and Western herbal medicine and has also studied and worked extensively with Native American and Caribbean ethnobotanical traditions. As an integral part of his work as a herbalist, he spends a great deal of time defending the rights of consumers to access herbal medicines and to see herbal medicine integrated into the fabric of both our homes and health care systems.

    Listen to Roy Upton’s Herbcast episode “Herbal Pharmacognosy and Pharmacopoeial standards“.

  • 8:45 reading time (ish)
  • Western herbal medicine

Roy Upton explores why the desire to fit traditional herbal medicines into a modern regulatory model is more about economics than health.

Economic influences of medical evolution

Generally speaking, herbal raw materials were historically gathered by local herbalists, who either prescribed them directly to patients or delivered them to practitioners. Often the price of an herbal consult and herbal formula was eggs, milk, a chicken, or the consult and treatment were free due to the practitioner being provided for by the larger community, similar to socialized systems of medicine. While, such practices seem out of place or inapplicable in developed nations, such practices still exist in many undeveloped and developing nations (e.g., rural China, Vietnam) and play a significant role in the affordability factor of traditional herbal medicine. This is no better expressed than in the teachings of China’s Sun Simiao.

Sun left a legacy of some of the most important and poignant lessons of traditional Chinese medicine as well as medical ethics. In his Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang (Essential Prescriptions for Every Emergency Worth a Thousand in Gold) Sun wrote: “physicians should respond to whoever asks for help, not distinguishing between poor and rich, young and old, ugly and elegant, friend or foe, foreigner or native, wise or fool, but should treat them equally as though they were your own relatives, without discrimination” (Li 1983). A similar philosophy was espoused in the ancient Ayurvedic literature in which payment for services was to be primarily provided by the wealthy and included formal lists of those who should receive free services (Wujastyk 2012). This teaches that providing health care to those in need is considered in these traditions to be more of a responsibility than a business. This is yet another stark contrast to, most notably, the US health care system, which can be characterized as being more of a business than a responsibility. In a similar fashion, traditional herbal medicines historically were relatively affordable, or in some cases, free for the picking, in traditional communities with intact herb-rich environments.

Roy Upton

Roy Upton is the founder, president, and editor of the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia (AHP). He has been working and practicing professionally as a herbalist since 1981, and he trained in Ayurvedic,... Read more

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