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A brief history of herbal quality assessment: From ancient Rome to 21st century mitochondria

A brief history of herbal quality assessment: From ancient Rome to 21st century mitochondria

Quality control has been an issue for as long as humans have used herbs to heal. Herbalist Steve Woodley explores the history of herbal quality assessment.

Quality control has been an issue for as long as humans have used herbs to heal. Herbal medicines can be adulterated for a variety of reasons, both accidental from a lack of knowledge by foragers, handlers, market traders and buyers, and deliberate where the drive to maximise profits eclipses the need for high quality materials. In the historical development of quality assessment it is apparent that as the division of labour becomes more specialised, so does the concern for adulteration as the physician must rely on others for high quality materials. Technological advancements have enhanced the methods of detecting adulteration but so have the methods of adulteration become more subtle and harder to detect.

However, one of the oldest forms of poor standards (which is to sell poor quality, low potency herbs of the correct species), has remained a problem as they pass the majority of examinations. This is especially true where active ingredients are complex or unknown as is the case with many herbs and formulated products. Until recently this has only been possible through evaluation of their clinical effects on live subjects but an alternative method has now become feasible through the use of functional mitochondrial testing in cultured cell lines.

Steve Woodley

Steve Woodley is a practitioner, writer, researcher and teacher of Chinese medicine with a specialist interest in how traditional, natural healing techniques influence our metabolism. He holds a PhD... Read more

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