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Soil health and human health

Healthy soil is alive, teaming with bacteria, fungi, insects and all sorts of life. This insightful article gives a deep dive on soil health, why it matters for human health, and how to restore our lands.

What is soil health?

Soil health and human health

This is a much debated topic but the general consensus is that it is ‘the capacity of soil to function as a living system, within ecosystem and land-use boundaries, to sustain plant and animal productivity, maintain or enhance water and air quality, and support human health and habitation.’ (4)

If you dig a little deeper soil health is largely measured by the nutrients it contains, its texture, its capacity to drain, and a whole host of other physical and chemical properties. More often than not, in modern agricultural and horticultural settings, and especially at gardening and allotment scale, the biological side of soil health is just a footnote, if not ignored completely. And yet it is the biological story that links most intimately and intrinsically to the gut microbiome and human health.

Eddie Bailey

Eddie Bailey is a geologist, organic no-dig gardener, and soil food web specialist. Learn more at a Rhizophyllia workshop – www.rhizophyllia.co.uk

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