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Can GP practices become hubs for transition?

  • Jane Myat
    Jane Myat

    Jane has been working as a GP at the Caversham Group Practice in Kentish Town, North London since 1997. She is a passionate advocate of finding alternative patient-centred approaches to long-term conditions and informed by the risks of overdiagnosis and too much medicine. Inspired and assisted by Transition Kentish Town, patients and colleagues, Jane co-founded the Listening Space in 2016, a project focused around the community garden in the courtyard of the Caversham Group Practice. The space allows healthcare to be reimagined in exploring alternative ways of working holistically and collaboratively with patients and the local community: a place to build skills, make and mend, to re-member our connections to each other, the earth and ourselves.

  • 18:30 reading time (ish)
  • Sustainability and social welfare Connecting quality, ethical trade and sustainability Herbal projects

People are supposed to live in a community, connection is fundamental for so many facets of health. This article written by a GP shows the beauty of potential community spaces and social prescribing.

Love the questions themselves, as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.” – Rainer Maria Rilke, 2012

Can GP practices become hubs for transition?

The experience of working for more than 20 years as a primary care physician in an inner city practice in north London has led me to the conclusion that in our secular society we have a duty to advocate for our communities. We may be the only licensed listeners for many. In bearing witness to our patients’ stories, to their suffering and sharing their uncertainties, their hopes, their fears, we become embodied in our communities, feeling what they feel.

Recognising the honour and the privilege of this position, inspired by our oath and rooted in the belief of the power of deep thinking, social courage, moral imagination and joy, I have been on a journey seeking to heal the whole person. I know many ordinary, extraordinary people and believe that if we use the power of our collective knowledge with a compassionate intent to develop practical healing spaces, we have the potential to transform life for ourselves, our patients and the communities within which we live and work.

Jane Myat

Jane has been working as a GP at the Caversham Group Practice in Kentish Town, North London since 1997. She is a passionate advocate of finding alternative patient-centred approaches to long-term... Read more

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