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A review of the methods for assessing the quality and adulteration of herbal medicines

  • Steve Woodley
    Steve Woodley

    Steve Woodley is a practitioner, writer, researcher and teacher of Chinese medicine with a specialist interest in how traditional, natural healing techniques influence our metabolism. He holds a PhD in the use of measuring the mitochondrial effects of herbs to assess their quality and detect adulteration.

  • 29:58 reading time (ish)
  • Quality
A Review Of The Methods For Assessing The Quality And Adulteration Of Herbal Medicines

For anyone who uses herbs to understand how quality is tested, the benefits and limitations of methods, and how to ensure the herbs are what they claim to be.

The issue of quality has been a problem in herbal medicine ever since trade in herbs has begun. Some of the earliest writings we have on herbal medicine include methods of authenticating herb validity and examining their quality, including several laments regarding the quality and effectiveness of those bought in the marketplaces.

As technology has advanced, so have methods of detecting adulteration and assessing quality become more refined, but so also have the methods of unscrupulous dealers looking to enhance their profits creating a constant arms race of deceit and detection. Following is a short review of the main methods of assessing quality and detecting adulteration used in the herbal medicine industry today.

Steve Woodley

Steve Woodley is a practitioner, writer, researcher and teacher of Chinese medicine with a specialist interest in how traditional, natural healing techniques influence our metabolism. He holds a PhD... Read more

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