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How to make a herbal steam inhalation

We share our best way how you can make your own herbal steam inhalation. Plus, our top safety tips for inhalations.

What is a steam inhalation and what does it benefit?

How to make a herbal steam inhalation

Steam inhalations are not only easy, inexpensive and effective but they can also help to reduce the symptoms we all dread when we get a respiratory infection. The warm steam helps to open up the airways and when you add certain herbs, you benefit from their immune-enhancing and cooling properties too.

The herbs can also help to moisturise the nasal passageways and loosen up any mucus in the chest and sinuses which helps relieve the sense of stuffiness. Breathe in and enjoy!

Examples of herbs to use for steam inhalations

chamomile steam inhalation

Some common herbs used in steam inhalations include:

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