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Edible plants to forage in April

  • Robin Harford
    Robin Harford

    Robin Harford is a plant forager, ethnobotanical researcher and wild food educator. He is the author of the bestselling Edible and Medicinal Wild Plants of Britain and Ireland.

    He established his wild food foraging school in 2008, and his foraging courses were recently voted #1 in the country by BBC Countryfile.

    Robin is the creator of eatweeds.co.uk, listed in The Times Top 50 websites for food and drink.

    Listen to Robin Harford’s Herbcast episode “Wild foraging“.

  • 7:33 reading time (ish)
  • Foraging

Foraging is a fascinating skill that both deepens our relationship to nature and empowers our health. This article shares some interesting plants you can forage here in the UK in April.

Foraging is a wonderful way to connect both with nature, and nourish our health. We also want to spread the word about safe and ethical foraging, so please also read our article “A guide to safe and sustainable foraging” to learn how to practise foraging sustainably.

A useful link with images that can help with identification as well as botanical information is Wild Flower Finder.

Here Robin Harford shares some edible plants you can safely harvest from the wild in April.

Please note: Under Section 13 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, uprooting any wild plant without landowners’ permission is illegal (1).

Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga)

brooklime Veronica beccabunga

The somewhat bitter Brooklime is comparable to watercress.

You can toss it raw into salads or prepare it like a potherb by boiling or steaming it. This usage goes back to the earliest times in northern Europe (2).

To balance out and enhance its bitterness, mixing Brooklime with other bold-flavoured greens is a great idea. This bitter herb is still well-liked in Europe and Japan (3).

The parts of the plant you can eat are the young shoots, leaves, and stems (4).

In some European regions like the Czech Republic, the Balkans, Bosnia, and the Basque regions, people enjoy Brooklime as a raw salad leaf and cook it as a spring green (5).

As for its nutritional content, the European Brooklime boasts 3.8 g of protein per 100 g of fresh weight (6).

Robin Harford

Robin Harford is a plant forager, ethnobotanical researcher and wild food educator. He is the author of the bestselling Edible and Medicinal Wild Plants of Britain and Ireland. He established his... Read more

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