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Cheap herbs for your herb kit

  • Sophia Goard
    Sophia Goard

    Sophia is trained in biology and herbal medicine and works with medicinal plants to foster good health for people and the natural world. She is an editor at Herbal Reality and co-founder of The Peach, where she provides workshops and consulting services for organisations and teams wishing to address health and sustainability challenges. Connect with Sophia on LinkedIn.

  • 12:13 reading time (ish)
  • Foraging

Herbalism can be super cheap (or free!). This article from a clinical herbalist shares top tips on affordable healthcare.

Cheap herbs for your herb kit

Herbal medicine is the medicine of the people. When money is tight, but health remains a priority, using medicinal herbs can become a fun, affordable project that involves getting outside, engaging with the natural world, and empowering each other to not only address sickness but to learn how to keep ourselves healthy, no matter what life throws our way. Home herbalism is suitable for all ages and all seasons, and can provide a lifelong sense of greater resilience, self-assurance and connection to the world around us. 

This article suggests some – but is by no means an exhaustive source of – plants to get acquainted with, whether in the field or the nearest value supermarket, to make affordable herbal remedies at home. A range of techniques is also signposted to ensure you have the confidence to safely make your remedies. Note: if you are gathering herbs from your local green space, make absolutely sure you can identify it correctly. Asking a neighbour, reaching out to experts via social media or going on a botanical society walk are all ways of improving your plant ID skills in addition to reading books and websites. You can also look at our foraging section for guidance. 

Sophia Goard

Sophia is trained in biology and herbal medicine and works with medicinal plants to foster good health for people and the natural world. She is an editor at Herbal Reality and co-founder of The... Read more

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