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The Jade Screen Project

  • Andrew Flower
    Andrew Flower

    Andrew Flower has been practising acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) since 1992. In 2009 Andrew completed his PhD at The University of Southampton exploring the role of CHM in the treatment of endometriosis. He has published a number of peer-reviewed papers relating to Chinese medicine research, including two Cochrane systematic reviews. In 2011 he was awarded a 5 year NIHR post doctoral Fellowship to investigate Chinese herbs for the treatment of recurrent urinary tract infections (RUTIs) that resulted in the RUTI trial. In 2017 he helped set up the recently accredited White Crane Academy of CHM. He is a founder member of the Jade Screen Project.

    Listen to Andrew Flower’s Herbcast episode “The journey to becoming a herbalist“.

  • 10:56 reading time (ish)
  • Sustainability and social welfare Chinese herbal medicine Connecting quality, ethical trade and sustainability Herbal projects

The Jade Screen Project (JSP) offers immune-enhancing and anti-viral herbal formulae for front line workers in the fight against Covid-19.

What is the Jade Screen Project?

Everybody had the same terrible, terrible fatigue. So I just told everybody about the ‘trial’ and everybody… and, and those who signed up… you know, just, just got better. Really, really quickly.” – JSP service user

The Jade Screen Project

The Jade Screen Project (JSP) offers immune-enhancing and anti-viral herbal formulae for people working in the NHS, care homes, and those providing essential support services, that might reduce the risk and potential severity of infection.

We want to step forward to help those who are on the front line at greater risk of infection from Covid-19, by offering free CHM. We want to give it for free because we feel they deserve this level of support, as they are putting their lives on the line.

The Jade Screen is taken from the name of an ancient formula, which was used to protect people from infection. The formula’s name was derived from the Feng Shui practice of placing a screen made of the jade stone in rooms to protect people from draughts, the reference to jade reflects value and strength, and screen indicates a barrier – together it is considered something both protective and precious to have around the home.

The Jade screen, both the formula and the metaphor of protection, is our inspiration to offer our support to people working in environments where there is an increased risk due to high viral load.

All donations received by the Jade Screen Project go towards funding herbal medicine for our frontline workers. If you would like to support our work and make a donation you can do so using the payment details on our website http://jadescreen.co.uk/donate/ or via our GoFundMe page https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-jade-screen-project. We are grateful for all donations (however large or small). Thank you.

Andrew Flower

Andrew Flower has been practising acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) since 1992. In 2009 Andrew completed his PhD at The University of Southampton exploring the role of CHM in the... Read more

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