How does it feel?
When you make a cup of shepherd’s purse tea the smell is salty, seaweedy, rich and nutritious, like the smell of a savoury vegetable soup. This indicates the rich array of nutritional constituents including vitamins and minerals.
The taste is similar, rich in savoury flavour and slightly sweet. It feels hearty and nutritious with a slight pungency but no unpleasant aftertaste. The salty and sweet tastes indicate the nutritious nature of the herb, with a high mineral content which is energising, tonifying and fortifying (1). There is a slight astringency, indicating the flavonoid content, and suggesting this herb will be drying, tonifying and suited to boggy, damp or bleeding conditions (1).
It leaves the mouth feeling slightly coated from the volatile oils, with a tackiness as the mucous membranes of the mouth tighten in response to the flavonoids. It moves through the body quickly, and you may feel the blood shifting to the periphery as a warming wave or a slight tightening in the head as the blood flow increases.
What can I use it for?
Shepherd’s purse is an astringent, diuretic and antihaemorrhagic herb, which can be used to stop bleeding internally and externally (2).
It is used for its diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory actions in urinary tract infections (UTIs) such as cystitis.
It has great value in female reproductive conditions such as premenstrual syndrome (PMS), menorrhagia (heavy periods), metrorrhagia (bleeding between periods), postpartum complications and haemorrhage (3,4).
Shepherd’s purse will tighten inflamed tissues and reduce excessive secretions, and can be used to reduce diarrhoea, intestinal irritations and infections (2).
Topically, it is used for nosebleeds, superficial burns, wounds, bruises, and varicose veins (5).
Into the heart of shepherd’s purse
Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Shepherd’s purse is warm, dry and constricting (5,6). It is warming due to the stimulating action to move blood, suited specifically to bleeding conditions where the blood is stagnant, dark and slowly oozing (7). This contrasts the haemostatic action of a herb like yarrow (Achillea millefolium), which is cooling, and suited to conditions where the blood is red and haemorrhaging (7).
Shepherd’s purse is suited to tissue states which are depressed, stagnant and damp. A depressed tissue state requires stimulation to get things moving, such as stimulating the circulation to warm up cold extremities (7). Damp and stagnant tissues occur when there is a build-up of fluids which are not moving and become thick, stagnant and cold (7). Sheperd’s purse stimulates the movement of blood and tones the muscular tissues of the blood vessels, uterus, bladder and intestines to support the organs to return to homeostasis.
Energetically, shepherd’s purse is indicated for people who give too much of themselves and deplete their vital energy (8). Being exhausted and depleted makes it difficult to generate motivation and momentum, and shepherd’s purse can provide the support needed to set healthy boundaries and make positive changes (8). It is indicated for those who are highly strung, ambitious and tend to do the work of two or three people (7).
Traditional uses
Shepherd’s purse plant (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Culpeper refers to shepherd’s purse in his Complete Herbal in 1653 as a remedy for “all fluxes of blood caused by inward of outward wounds…bloody urine…spitting blood…and to stop the term’s in women’s” (9). The 1898 King’s American Dispensatory described shepherd’s purse as mildly stimulating, astringent, and diuretic, with the fresh herb being more medicinally active than the dried alternative (10). It was considered very effective as either an infusion or tincture for urinary and renal ailments presenting with haematuria (blood in the urine), frequent urges to urinate, or mineral deposits in the urine (10). It was used for the promotion of flow in cases of amenorrhoea, and as a remedy for chronic menorrhagia, frequent or long menstrual bleeds (10). It was found to be beneficial for bleeding piles, chronic diarrhoea, and dysentery (10).
The fresh, crushed herb was applied to bruises or muscle strains, rheumatic joints and bleeding haemorrhoids (11). During the first world war, a fluid extract of shepherd’s purse was used to staunch wounds on the battlefield (12).
Grieve wrote that shepherd’s purse was considered by herbalists as one of the best remedies for stopping haemorrhages of all kinds: stomach; lungs; uterus or kidneys (12). It was employed for haematuria (blood in the urine), haemorrhoids, chronic diarrhoea, dysentery, uterine haemorrhage and chronic menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeds) (12).
Traditional actions
Herbal actions describe therapeutic changes that occur in the body in response to taking a herb. These actions are used to express how a herb physiologically influences cells, tissues, organs or systems. Clinical observations are traditionally what have defined these actions: an increase in urine output, diuretic; improved wound healing, vulnerary; or a reduction in fever, antipyretic. These descriptors too have become a means to group herbs by their effects on the body — herbs with a nervine action have become the nervines, herbs with a bitter action are the bitters. Recognising herbs as members of these groups provides a preliminary familiarity with their mechanisms from which to then develop an understanding of their affinities and nuance and discern their clinical significance.
Traditional energetic actions
Herbal energetics are the descriptions Herbalists have given to plants, mushrooms, lichens, foods, and some minerals based on the direct experience of how they taste, feel, and work in the body. All traditional health systems use these principles to explain how the environment we live in and absorb, impacts our health. Find out more about traditional energetic actions in our article “An introduction to herbal energetics“.
Western energetics
What practitioners say
Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) The astringent and haemostatic properties of shepherd’s purse extend across many systems of the body, where it can be used to stop bleeding and tighten surface membranes.
Female reproductive system
Shepherd’s purse is one of the best herbs for heavy bleeding during menstruation (6). This has been demonstrated in a recent clinical trial (13). It is very effective for dysfunctional uterine bleeding associated with fibroids (4,14). It is a useful herb to use at menarche and the start of the menstrual journey when the cycle can be erratic with dysfunctional bleeding (15). Equally, it can be effective during menopause when the cycle is unpredictable or with a heavy flow (15). When taken throughout the month it can help to lighten heavy menstrual bleeds, prevent spotting between periods and reduce the flooding associated with menopause and endometriosis (2). Medical herbalist Lucy Jones reports that she uses it as a simple (single herb formula) to be taken during the menstrual bleed in cases of menorrhagia or combined with cramp bark (Viburnum opulus) if there is period pain (8).
Shepherd’s purse is suited to conditions where the uterine muscle tone is poor and it does not expel the menstrual blood effectively, which can stagnate and form clots (7). As well as toning the muscular walls, it helps to reduce venous blood stagnation and is useful in cases of congestive dysmenorrhea (period pain) and uterine congestion (14). Shepherd’s purse is suited to menstruating women with uterine weakness, fibroids, endometriosis, and profuse bleeding of dark, clotted blood (7).
It is an important herb in midwifery to help with the delivery of the placenta and to reduce postpartum bleeding (16). The astringent and toning action can help with organ prolapse, particularly the uterus and bladder (8).
Shepherd’s purse will also help with excessive secretions in candidiasis and leukorrhea, combining well with calendula (Calendula officinalis) and white dead nettle (Lamium album).
Urinary system
Shepherd’s purse is a valuable herb for the urinary system, due to its diuretic, astringent and anti-microbial actions. The diuretic action is important to increase the flow of urine through the kidneys and bladder (12). Combined with the antimicrobial action, this diuretic action makes shepherd’s purse a useful herb to use for urinary tract infections (UTIs) such as cystitis, to help treat the infection (5). Shepherd’s purse stimulates the excretion of uric acid, making it useful when there is irritation in the urinary tract from uric acid, urinary gravel and in the treatment of gout (5,12). It combines well with other stimulating and soothing diuretics such as couch grass (Elymus repens), marshmallow leaf (Althaea officinalis) and corn silk (Zea mays). Shepherd’s purse will also tone the muscular walls of the bladder, indicating its use when the bladder is weak, with difficulty in either holding or fully expelling urine (7). The astringent action is useful if there is haematuria (blood in the urine) accompanying any of the aforementioned conditions.
Flowering Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Digestive system
As an astringent, the toning action of this herb is effective in the treatment of diarrhoea, dysentery and intestinal bleeding (4). It can be taken both internally and externally for the treatment of haemorrhoids (3).
Cardiovascular system
Shepherd’s purse is both antihypertensive (decreases blood pressure) and antihyportensive (increases blood pressure), depending on the internal constitutional state of the individual (amphoteric). Where the tissue state is relaxed and flaccid, the mechanism of haemostasis is constriction to the blood vessels, making it one of the few herbs which will increase blood pressure (6,7). Shepherd’s purse stimulates circulation to the extremities, redistributing the blood around the body, and potentially creating a hypotensive action, especially in those with pre-existing low blood pressure. The diuretic action is also indicated where there is water retention or oedema which can occur in heart failure and other cardiovascular conditions (3). Shepherd’s purse stimulates the circulation and supports the integrity of the venous system, making it a helpful herb for varicose veins (8).
External application
The vulnerary action makes shepherd’s purse a suitable herb to use as a poultice or compress to staunch bleeding and reduce bruising and inflammation (5). It can be used for nosebleeds by inserting a cotton pad soaked in the infusion into the nose (12).
Shepherd’s purse flowers (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Postpartum
A randomised clinical trial was conducted to determine the effect of shepherd’s purse extract in post-partum haemorrhage in 100 women (16). The participants were randomly assigned to receive 10 sublingual drops of shepherd’s purse extract or a placebo, immediately after placental expulsion. In the first three hours after birth, the reduction in postpartum bleeding was significantly greater (32%) after the shepherd’s purse extract compared with the placebo group (16).
Heavy menstruation
Naafe et al. conducted a randomised clinical trial to determine the effect of shepherd’s purse on heavy menstrual bleeding in 84 women with clinical menorrhagia (13). The women were randomly assigned to receive either shepherd’s purse extract (640 mg twice daily) or a placebo, for seven days during menstruation, for two consecutive menstrual cycles. Menstrual bleeding was measured in the third consecutive cycle, and decreased by 50% in the shepherds purse group compared to a 45% reduction in the placebo group. The decrease in menstrual bleeding was significantly greater in the intervention group. Although the difference between the groups is small, the authors concluded that shepherd’s purse is effective at reducing excessive menstrual bleeding (13).
Did you know?
The heart-shaped seed pods of shepherd’s purse resemble the leather pouches that mediaeval shepherds used to carry, which is how it got its common name (5).
Additional information
Botanical description
Shepherd’s purse is a small annual plant in the mustard family (Brassicaceae). It grows from a rosette of basal leaves and can reach heights of 10—50 cm (4—20 inches), though it can sometimes be as tall as 70 cm (28 inches) or as short as 2 cm (0.8 inches) (23). The basal leaves are lobed and form a rosette at the base (24). A slender, branched stem rises from the centre of the rosette, bearing a few oblong, arrow shaped leaves clasping the stem, which are either smooth or toothed (5,12). The flowers are small, white, and about 2.5 mm (0.1inches) in diameter, with four petals and six stamens in loose racemes (23). The plant is easily recognisable by the flat, triangular, heart-shaped seed pods (24). It reproduces entirely from seed and can produce several generations each year, flowering and producing seeds almost all year round (23).
Common names
- Shepherd’s bag
- Shepherd’s scrip
- Shepherd’s sprout
- Shepherd’s heart
- Lady’s purse
- Witches’ pouches
- Rattle pouches
- Case-weed
- Pick-pocket
- Blind-weed
- Salt and pepper
- Mother’s heart
- Cocowort
All parts of shepherd’s purse are safe to consume shepherd’s purse should be avoided during pregnancy due to the emmenagogue and abortifacient actions, and uterine stimulation (17).
It should only be consumed when breast-feeding under the guidance of a medical practitioner, due to the glucosinolate constituents which can transfer into the breastmilk and cause adverse effects in newborns (17). You can find qualified medical herbal professionals on our Resources page.
There are no known drug interactions.
Theoretically, shepherd’s purse or isolated constituents have diuretic, cardiac activity and effects on thyroid function (18). Concomitant use may interfere with medications for blood pressure or thyroid dysfunction and should be taken under the guidance of a medical herbalist (19).
Shepherd’s purse contains oxalic acid and should be avoided by those with a history of kidney stones (3).
- Infusion
- Tincture
- Vinegar
- Culinary
The plant is best prepared with fresh plant material, and loses medicinal potency quickly, do not store the dried herb for more than a year to maintain its freshness and vitality (2,8).
- Tincture (1:5 | 25%): 1—2 ml, three times a day (3—6 ml per day) (3,6). Up to 20—40 ml/week of a 1:2 extract (20)
- FE (1:1): 1–4 ml, three times a per day (3)
- Infusion: One teaspoon (1–5 g) dried herb per cup, 1–3 cups (3–20 g) per day (3,6). For menstrual conditions one cup (1–5 g) every 2–3 hours just before and during the menstrual period (3)
- Capsules: 1.9 – 2.6 g per day (20)
Topical use
- Infusion: Steep 3–5g in 180 ml boiled water for 10–15 minutes, applied to the injured area (21)
- Fluid extract: 5—8 ml applied to the injured area (21)
Plant parts used
Aerial parts (leaves, stems, flowers and seed pods) (8)
- Flavonoids: Quercetin, diosmetin, luteolin, hesperetin, rutin; diosmin; hesperidin (15,17)
- Glucosinolates: Sinigrin (15,22)
- Amines: Acetylcholine, choline, tyramine, amino acids 2.33% (proline), histamine (15,17)
- Saponins (15)
- Volatile oils (0.02%): Camphor (17)
- Other constituents: Carotenoids, fumaric acid, oxalic acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamin A, vitamin K, calcium, iron, potassium (8,17,22)

Shepherd’s purse is native to Europe, Asia and North Africa and has been introduced in the UK, America, Africa and Australia, and is now naturalised globally (25). It is an annual plant which can germinate throughout the year in many conditions from disturbed to nutrient rich habitats (26). It is considered to be a highly successful weed, growing on cultivated land amongst crops, baron landscapes, waysides, embankments, waste ground, and gardens (26, 27).
Shepherd purse is globally well distributed with a stable population and is currently not at any threat of extinction (25). It does not appear on any endangered species acts or lists for concern (27,28,29,30,31).
Habitat loss and over-harvesting from the wild are two of the biggest threats faced by medicinal plant species. There are an increasing number of well-known herbal medicines at risk of extinction. We must, therefore, ensure that we source our medicines with sustainability in mind.
The herb supplement industry is growing at a rapid rate and until recent years a vast majority of medicinal plant produce in global trade was of unknown origin. There are some very real and urgent issues surrounding sustainability in the herb industry. These include environmental factors that affect the medicinal viability of herbs, the safety of the habitats that they are taken from, as well as the welfare of workers in the trade.
The botanical supply chain efforts for improved visibility (transparency and traceability) into verifiably sustainable production sites around the world is now certificated through the emergence of credible international voluntary sustainability standards (VSS).
Read our article on Herbal quality and safety: What to know before you buy and Sustainable sourcing of herbs to learn more about what to look for and questions to ask suppliers about sustainability.
Quality control
Herbal medicines are often very safe to take; however, their safety and efficacy can be jeopardised by quality issues. So, it is important to buy herbal medicines from a reputable supplier, from sources known to test their herbs to ensure there is no contamination, adulteration or substitution with incorrect plant matter, as well as ensuring that recognised marker compounds are at appropriate levels in the herbs.
Some important quality assurances to look for are certified organic labelling, the correct scientific/botanical name, and the availability of information from the supplier about ingredient origins. A supplier should be able to tell you where the herbs have come from, what contaminants are not in the herb, and what the primary compounds are.
How to grow
Shepherd’s purse is a fast-growing, prolific weed which produces vast quantities of seed throughout the year and self-seeds freely (23).
Shepherd’s purse tea (Capsella bursa-pastoris) Heavy flow tea
- Shepherd’s purse (15 g)
- Raspberry leaf (10 g)
- Lady’s mantle (10 g)
- Nettle leaf (10 g)
- Yarrow (5 g)
- Mix the dried herbs together to store in an airtight container.
- Using 5 g (one teaspoon) per one cup, add the herbs to a teapot, cover in boiling water and let it steep for 10–15 minutes.
- Drink between one and three cups per day. This can be increased to every few hours during a heavy menstrual bleed.
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