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Unpicking a complex immunological skin problem

  • Simon Mills
    Simon Mills

    I am a Cambridge medical sciences graduate and have been a herbal practitioner in Exeter since 1977. In that time I have led the main professional and trade organizations for herbal medicine in the UK and served on Government and House of Lords committees. I have written standard textbooks used by herbal practitioners around the world, including with Professor Kerry Bone from Australia.

    I was involved in academic work for many years, co-founding the University of Exeter pioneering Centre for Complementary Health Studies in 1987 (where we built a complementary research and postgraduate teaching programme from scratch), then at Peninsula the first integrated health course at a UK medical school, and the first Masters degree in herbal medicine in the USA, at the Maryland University of Integrative Health.

    I am particularly fascinated by the insights we can distill from the millions of intelligent people who over many centuries needed plants to survive. Mostly I want to learn and share the old skills, to experience healing plants as characters, that can help us fend off ill health. My passion for offering people tools to look after themselves and their families has led me to work with the founders of the College of Medicine on pioneering national self care and social prescribing projects. I am now the College Self Care Lead and also Herbal Strategist at Pukka Herbs.

    Listen to our Herbcast podcast with Simon Mills as the host.

  • 12:32 reading time (ish)

A case study by Simon Mills


Chronic immunological and inflammatory problems feature largely in the modern herbal case load. They are very daunting: there are always entangled layers of trouble and they often present after many years of contributory problems. Autoimmunity is the norm and I remember wondering in my early years of practice, that if we claim our remedies optimise health, how do we step in when the damage to the body is being done by a (moderately) healthy immune system? We know the medical approach is to suppress the immune response. How do we frame an alternative that does not do that?

In almost 45 years of practice these conditions have been the most substantial challenges, and also the most rewarding work. In the initial hour in the presence of the sufferer, the task is to unpick the tangled web of symptoms, to figure our as far as possible the ‘primary lesion’ and then secondary and further exacerbations, and then to target treatment, as far as possible in the same order. This usually ends up doing things that are a long way from addressing the symptoms the patient complains of. However the first reward is to share this ‘thought mapping’ with the patient at the time. Almost always they take this as revelatory, that their disruptive chaotic symptoms and fragmentary medical interventions over the years start to make sense! We emerge with a plan, even a schedule, taking one step at a time, ‘peeling away the layers of the onion’, always looking for signs we are making progress along the way, even within a day or so, checking in, tweaking, feeding back again. Mostly it is a long slog, although usually worth doing, with some improvements to be expected.

Occasionally we get a ‘hole in one’. This is one such case, years of very concerning and confusing symptoms gone within a couple of months. That is so rewarding it is worth sharing!

Simon Mills

I am a Cambridge medical sciences graduate and have been a herbal practitioner in Exeter since 1977. In that time I have led the main professional and trade organizations for herbal medicine in the... Read more

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