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Herbal treatment of Ulcerative Colitis

  • Jonny Woodall
    Jonny Woodall
  • 12:42 reading time (ish)

A case study by Jonny Woodall


Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is an autoimmune disease that is prevalent in around 1 of 420 people living in the UK. Both men and women are equally affected by UC.

The patient contacted me during a severe flareup. A flareup that was no longer responding to any pharmaceutical steroids. The patient told me that the NHS informed him the only option remaining was the surgical removal of parts of his colon and the fitting of a colostomy bag via a stoma. The patient said to me “I will kill myself before having that fitted, so if you have something different to offer then I’m interested”.

This case study is important to me to share for a number of reasons:

  • This was one of the first patient’s I ever took on outside of university after graduating.
  • The severity of the situation was intense and I remember feeling quite nervous about offering to help this patient.
  • I learned a lot from the time I spent with this patient.
  • It is a profound success story that has inspired how I formulated many a treatment plans after this patient.

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