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Herbal and nutritional therapy for PTSD, fibromyalgia and chronic anxiety

  • Giacomo Sandri
    Giacomo Sandri

    Originally from Italy, I moved to the UK in 2014 with the sole purpose of studying herbal medicine. I graduated at Lincoln University in 2017 and became part of NIMH . I then decided to move to Bristol to deepen my knowledge of the human body by studying holistic and remedial massage and become a member of the Massage Training Institute (MTI). Through the course of my career I have attended several CPD courses including facial acupressure, advanced manual therapy and various supplement training with the main sustainable nutriceutical brands.

  • 5:45 reading time (ish)

A case study by Giacomo Sandri

This patient had suffered chronic anxiety for 20 years, as well as painful fibromyalgia, social anxiety and high sensitivity to EMF. Through herbs, nutrition and EMDR therapy the patient achieved a remarkable improvement in her quality of life with reduced pain and anxiety.


The following case study explains treatment for anxiety and fibromyalgia with nutrition and herbal medicine. The relevance of this case study is remarkable as the conventional pharmacological management of anxiety and fibromyalgia is, in most cases, limited to symptom suppression and often does not address the root cause. On the other hand, although a psychotherapeutic approach to fibromyalgia and anxiety could be helpful, it fails at addressing more physiological aspects such as nutrition and biochemical imbalances. This case study shows how addressing a patient’s condition through a holistic protocol, taking in consideration nutrition, lifestyle, social life and psycho-emotional wellbeing is crucial for long lasting positive results. Ultimately, the case demonstrates the efficacy of a treatment plan based on herbal medicine prescription and nutritional advice.

Giacomo Sandri

Originally from Italy, I moved to the UK in 2014 with the sole purpose of studying herbal medicine. I graduated at Lincoln University in 2017 and became part of NIMH . I then decided to move to... Read more

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