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Perimenopause: Symptoms and herbs that can help

  • Natasha Richardson
    Natasha Richardson

    Natasha Richardson is a medical herbalist who’s helped hundreds of people to stop putting up with PMS, painful periods, persistent fatigue and chronic stress. Based on the prescriptions for patients in her private clinic, Forage Botanicals is powered by natural solutions and grounded in science.

  • 5:58 reading time (ish)
  • Women's health

Peri-menopause can really affect people’s quality of life as there are many different symptoms that can flare up. Thankfully, there are herbs which can alleviate these, and we share them with you here.

Perimenopause Symptoms and herbs that can help

The symptoms of peri-menopause vary hugely from person to person, culture to culture, and even class to class. But with suicide being at its highest rate amongst women in the 45-55 age bracket and 1 in 10 women quitting their job in the UK due to the peri-menopause these symptoms should not be ignored. Sadly, many who had found an answer in the form of HRT are being challenged with issues in the supply chain and many may be considering natural alternatives in light of this. Furthermore, unwanted side effects from HRT have made people want to seek the natural route.

Menopause is far more than just an oestrogen deficiency. It is quite natural and normal for oestrogen to reduce at this time in life. The symptoms that this change creates depend on things like class, race, gender, geography, diet and lifestyle more than it does oestrogen levels. I’ve chosen the top 6 symptoms that came up when we surveyed our followers for their peri-menopausal experiences. Whilst taking phytoestrogens is something everyone can do from the age of 40 on, they may not treat all the symptoms you’re dealing with.

One phytoestrogen which I particularly like at this time of life is black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) because it not only supports oestrogen but also helps with aching joints and anxiety too. Another phytoestrogen I like is sage (Salvia officinalis) as it is easily bought and helps with lessening hot flushes, and improves cognition and brain fog too. But probably more importantly is to take phytoestrogens regularly in your diet throughout the day in the form of some fruits, vegetables and of course, soya. There was a scare with soy not very long ago that it may make oestrogen-dependent cancers more prevalent but the opposite has been found to be the case.

Natasha Richardson

Natasha Richardson is a medical herbalist who’s helped hundreds of people to stop putting up with PMS, painful periods, persistent fatigue and chronic stress. Based on the prescriptions for... Read more

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