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Natural contraception: How it works, safety and efficacy

  • Natasha Richardson
    Natasha Richardson

    Natasha Richardson is a medical herbalist who’s helped hundreds of people to stop putting up with PMS, painful periods, persistent fatigue and chronic stress. Based on the prescriptions for patients in her private clinic, Forage Botanicals is powered by natural solutions and grounded in science.

  • 6:06 reading time (ish)
  • Women's health

Many people are now seeking alternatives to “the pill” and looking for more natural options. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies without hormonal intervention.

Why I ditched the pill

Natural contraception: How it works and why it is so safe and effective

After four years of having taken the contraceptive pill (microgynon 30 specifically) I was sick of the constant thrush/cystitis cycle I found myself in. I’d been getting informed and empowered about the amazing benefits of ovulation to mind and body and I wanted to experience it for myself.

When I was about 19 I was taught how to use the hormone-free fertility awareness method as a contraceptive by an NHS nurse. Little did I know how incredibly rare this service is!

Although my experience with the contraceptive pill was negative in the end, I had taken it for many years without issue before then.

Natasha Richardson

Natasha Richardson is a medical herbalist who’s helped hundreds of people to stop putting up with PMS, painful periods, persistent fatigue and chronic stress. Based on the prescriptions for... Read more

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