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Herbs and practises for different parts of the menstrual cycle

  • Natasha Richardson
    Natasha Richardson

    Natasha Richardson is a medical herbalist who’s helped hundreds of people to stop putting up with PMS, painful periods, persistent fatigue and chronic stress. Based on the prescriptions for patients in her private clinic, Forage Botanicals is powered by natural solutions and grounded in science.

  • 8:44 reading time (ish)
  • Women's health

For centuries, women have been associated with the moon. The moon is seen as a feminine energy, soft, gentle and nurturing.


Herbs and practises for different parts of the menstrual cycle

The words ‘menstruation’ and ‘menses’ come from the Latin menstruus, meaning “monthly”, and the word ‘month’ comes from old Norse menon, meaning “moon”. 

So you can see how intertwined menstruation and the moon are. Now, of course, that measurement of a month is written into the Gregorian calendar and doesn’t resemble the actual moon cycle because it makes things a tad easier for global trade. But many women notice similarities between the moon cycle and their menstrual cycle. Sometimes, the two marry up perfectly. 

It is said, by some, that all women once menstruated with the dark moon and ovulated with the full moon. I personally think this was very unlikely. Rather than using the moon as another measure by which we can say our periods have somehow come up short, I’d rather we use it as a wonderful metaphor to tune into our cycle more. 

The moon has 4 phases: the Dark moon (or New moon), the Full moon, the Waning and the Waxing. These phases are very close to the phases we experience during the menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle can also be split into 4 parts, as you’ll see below. The division of them into 4 equal parts is arbitrary. You’ll find that your phases aren’t equal in length. But for the sake of explaining the concept it’s best we start here.

Natasha Richardson

Natasha Richardson is a medical herbalist who’s helped hundreds of people to stop putting up with PMS, painful periods, persistent fatigue and chronic stress. Based on the prescriptions for... Read more

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