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Yoga Nidra

  • Dr. Swami Shankardev
    Dr. Swami Shankardev

    Dr. Swami Shankardev Saraswati MB, BS M.SC, is a western medical doctor, yoga Acharya (authority), yoga therapist, author and teacher.

    After graduating in medicine he spent 10 years training at the Bihar School of Yoga in India. He presently practices yoga therapy and medicine In Sydney integrating mind-body medicine, psychotherapy, yoga psychology and meditation.

    His teachings are also currently available via online classes and courses on www.bigshakti.com. Big Shakti is a provider of high quality guided meditations and online training in higher yoga and meditation.

  • 4:08 reading time (ish)
  • Mobility and fitness Stress and sleep

Yoga Nidra is a powerful relaxation meditation technique performed in the lying position. It is one of the most beloved of all the relaxation-meditation techniques in the world today. The Yoga Nidra Relaxation technique improves the quality of sleep.

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a powerful relaxation meditation technique performed in the lying position. It is one of the most beloved of all the relaxation-meditation techniques in the world today. This is because the technique is practical and easy to do and creates the deep rest and relaxation required for good health, mental peace and higher awareness.

Getting deep rest is especially important in today’s busy world. The problem is that many of us carry our day-to-day tensions into sleep. Also constant stimulation by the technology that is supposed to make our lives better and to be more connected can easily over stimulate our nervous system, increase vata dosha and erode our ability to relax and rest. Constant engagement and stimulation results in excessive vata in the body and mind, which leads to disturbed sleeping patterns. Disturbed sleep detriments all aspects of life and can create a negative spiral of increasing stress, tension, exhaustion and ill health.

Yoga Nidra is one of the best ways to remove deep-seated tensions and to improve your capacity to sleep peacefully. It reduces excess vata and in fact is a tridoshic balancing technique when practiced properly.

As you practice Yoga Nidra you are guided deeper and deeper through the layers of your being, gradually releasing the more deep-seated tensions that prevent you going into deep states of recuperative sleep. As a result Yoga Nidra takes you into a conscious sleep-like state where you can gain all the benefits of sleep, including deep rest and better health.

Dr. Swami Shankardev

Dr. Swami Shankardev Saraswati MB, BS M.SC, is a western medical doctor, yoga Acharya (authority), yoga therapist, author and teacher. After graduating in medicine he spent 10 years training at the... Read more

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