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Seasonal eating and fasting with Ayurveda

  • Sebastian Pole
    Sebastian Pole

    I am a registered member of the Ayurvedic Professionals Association, Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine and a Fellow of the Unified Register of Herbal Practitioners. I qualified as a herbalist with the aim of using the principles of Ayurveda (the ancient art of living wisely) and the Herbal tradition to help transform health. I have been in clinical practice since 1998.

    Having co-founded Pukka Herbs in 2001 I have become experienced in organic herb growing, practitioner grade quality and sustainable value chains. I am a Trustee of the FairWild Foundation, a Director of The Betonica School of Herbal Medicine and an Advisor to The American Herbal Pharmacopoeia and The Sustainable Herbs Project. Fluent in Hindi, a qualified Yoga therapist and passionate about projects with a higher purpose, I am on a mission to bring the incredible power of plants into people’s life. And that is why I started Herbal Reality and what it is all about.

    I live in a forest garden farm in Somerset growing over 100 species of medicinal plants and trees. And a lot of weeds!

    Author of Ayurvedic Medicine, The Principles of Traditional Practice (Elsevier 2006), A Pukka Life (Quadrille 2011), Celebrating 10 Pukka years (2012) and Cleanse, Nurture, Restore with Herbal Tea (Frances Lincoln 2016).

    Listen to our Herbcast podcast with Sebastian as the host.

  • 7:35 reading time (ish)
  • Mobility and fitness Ayurvedic herbal medicine Cleansing and metabolising Digestion and nutrition
Seasonal eating and fasting with Ayurveda

Our digestive system adapts to the seasons throughout the year. Herbalist Sebastian Pole explores seasonal eating and fasting with Ayurveda.

The change in atmosphere and temperature moving from the bright summer months into the changeable months of Autumn, does not just affect the climate, it also affects our body and mind too. With the changing colours, blowing winds and hopefully a bit of Autumnal sunshine, how can we support our health as we transition through the seasons?

Summer sees an increase in warmth and sunlight. With more warmth, the qualities of dryness and lightness increase in the environment and hot pitta and dry vata naturally build. In order to keep pitta and vata in check and under control, plenty of cooling and calming measures are required. Here are just a few ideas to help you stay in balance in Summer:

  • Get up early and enjoy the cool dewy mornings to connect with nature and ground yourself
  • Daily 5-10 minute morning calming self-massage with a replenishing oil such as coconut to nourish your skin.
  • Your diet should primarily consist of sweet, bitter and astringent flavours that are cool, refreshing and liquid but that are also light and easy to digest. Here are just a few that suit pitta: Almond milk, rosewater, coconut, rice, quinoa, oats, asparagus, sprouted mung beans, green leafy veg, hemp seed oil and ghee are good. Raw foods such as salads require more energy and heat to digest, so it’s best to avoid these as a main evening meal to prevent your digestive fire becoming active overnight. 
Sebastian Pole

I am a registered member of the Ayurvedic Professionals Association, Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine and a Fellow of the Unified Register of Herbal Practitioners. I qualified as a herbalist with... Read more

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