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Healthy weight

  • Sebastian Pole
    Sebastian Pole

    I am a registered member of the Ayurvedic Professionals Association, Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine and a Fellow of the Unified Register of Herbal Practitioners. I qualified as a herbalist with the aim of using the principles of Ayurveda (the ancient art of living wisely) and the Herbal tradition to help transform health. I have been in clinical practice since 1998.

    Having co-founded Pukka Herbs in 2001 I have become experienced in organic herb growing, practitioner grade quality and sustainable value chains. I am a Trustee of the FairWild Foundation, a Director of The Betonica School of Herbal Medicine and an Advisor to The American Herbal Pharmacopoeia and The Sustainable Herbs Project. Fluent in Hindi, a qualified Yoga therapist and passionate about projects with a higher purpose, I am on a mission to bring the incredible power of plants into people’s life. And that is why I started Herbal Reality and what it is all about.

    I live in a forest garden farm in Somerset growing over 100 species of medicinal plants and trees. And a lot of weeds!

    Author of Ayurvedic Medicine, The Principles of Traditional Practice (Elsevier 2006), A Pukka Life (Quadrille 2011), Celebrating 10 Pukka years (2012) and Cleanse, Nurture, Restore with Herbal Tea (Frances Lincoln 2016).

    Listen to our Herbcast podcast with Sebastian as the host.

  • 15:18 reading time (ish)
  • Mobility and fitness Cleansing and metabolising Digestion and nutrition Western herbal medicine

Maintaining a balanced body weight and appearance is a constant pressure in the modern world. Here we will discuss how you can achieve this and what the real causes of weight gain are.

What is a healthy weight?

Healthy weight

A healthy weight is a balanced proportion of body weight to body height. There is no one ideal weight as we are all uniquely different but a general guide has been devised and is described via the Body Mass Index (BMI). A healthy weight is 20-25, overweight is 25+, obesity is defined as a BMI of 30 or more and gross obesity as 40+. Your BMI can be worked out by taking your weight in kilograms and divide it by your height in metres and then divide the result by your height in metres again.

With obesity being described as a global epidemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) a balanced perspective to eating, exercise and life-style is evidently required. In the UK 68% of adults are overweight with 22% of these being obese and 20% of children are overweight. Unhealthy weight levels are a real problem. However, there is also a cultural gender bias with regards to attitudes towards weight loss; 37% of men are overweight whilst only 22% of women but twice as many women diet as men!

The simple fact is that taking in more energy than you use creates an excess that accumulates as fat. There is also a genetic factor that can increase your tendency for a large appetite and also affect metabolism, but the quantity and types of foods consumed in relation to exercise has the greatest effect on your weight. Of course behind these external factors of food consumption and exercise are the internal emotional reasons why we ‘over’ eat and ‘under’ exercise. Resolving these patterns are at the heart of achieving a healthy weight.

Obesity sets up vicious malevolent circles that degrade health. For example, obesity increases insulin resistance which prevents the metabolism of sugars which are stored as fats and increase obesity. The upward spiral of weight gain becomes a downward spiral of health quality.

The proliferation of diets (Atkins, Zone, F Plan, South Beach, Mayo clinic, Mediterranean, Low carb etc.) clearly shows the need for our modern society to regulate its weight. It also displays the high level of confusion associated with the issue of body weight. The bottom line is that there is no right diet for everybody but Ayurveda offers some very personal and insightful advice.

Sebastian Pole

I am a registered member of the Ayurvedic Professionals Association, Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine and a Fellow of the Unified Register of Herbal Practitioners. I qualified as a herbalist with... Read more

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