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Inflammation in acute hypersensitivities

  • Kevin Spelman
    Kevin Spelman

    Dr. Kevin Spelman is a molecular biologist, phytochemist and phytotherapist who has worked with medicinal plants in the field, in the clinic, and in research models including clinical human trials and preclinical models. He has practiced phytotherapy at several clinics and was a cofounder of the first full accredited Master of Science degree in Clinical Herbal Medicine. As a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute on Aging he researched the molecular biology of brain and ovarian cancer and predicted and demonstrated novel phytocannabinoid ligands from Zanthoxylum spp. Dr. Spelman was a Marie Curie Research Fellow in the EU researching medicinal plants against malaria.

    His doctoral work connected metabolic and immunological function and elucidated an endocannabinoid novel target for Echinacea spp. Dr. Spelman has been an editor, reviewer and contributed to the knowledge base in Integrative Medicine with over 2 dozen publications in peer reviewed journals and industry magazines. Dr. Spelman also publishes an audio science journal The Spelman Report: PhytoPharmacology Review highlighting clinically relevant research on natural products. He also runs Health, Education & Research a consulting company for the natural products and cannabis industry which offers formulation and other services to the industry.

  • 35:44 reading time (ish)
  • Energy Immunity

Kevin Spelman looks at three cases of acute inflammation in allergies, also known as hypersensitivities, and their clinical resolution.

Inflammation in acute hypersensitivities

Inflammation is an evolutionarily conserved response characterized by the activation of immune and other somatic cells that provide protection from microorganisms, toxins and infections. This is typically characterized by the elimination of pathogens and the promotion of tissue repair and recovery (1,2).

When the process proceeds in a healthy body the process of inflammation is temporal restricted; it occurs when a threat is present and resolves once the threat has passed (3). Notably, the presence of select social, psychological, environmental and biological factors has been shown to inhibit the resolution of acute inflammation. This may result in a state of low-grade, non-infective systemic chronic inflammation characterized by the activation of immune components that are often distinct from those engaged during an acute immune response (4,5). For healthcare providers, it is key to understand both acute and chronic inflammatory processes.

The below perspective and collection of data come from my clinical experience of managing 3 different patients that responded quickly to what appeared to by an anaphylactic response to something in their diet. One case was directly observed in a classroom setting. Two other cases were done by phone as the patients were reacting to their allergens. Two other practitioners have shared case studies with the author that were successfully treated with Echinacea spp. and Taraxacum officinalis tincture for a total of just under a dozen cases that were postulated to be anaphylactic responses. Doses used are 5 ml of each extract every 20 minutes, for a total of 10 mL every 20 minutes until symptoms are resolved. In all three cases the dosing was done for a total of 3 doses.

Due to the focus on the previously mentioned clinical work this discussion will focus on the resolution of acute inflammation in hypersensitivities. The main pharmacological targets we will discuss are peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) and cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2). Keep in mind that both pharmacological sites below are also potentially useful for chronic inflammation.

Kevin Spelman

Dr. Kevin Spelman is a molecular biologist, phytochemist and phytotherapist who has worked with medicinal plants in the field, in the clinic, and in research models including clinical human trials... Read more

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