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Burnout: An interview with nutritionist and burnout expert Charlotte Faure Green

  • Charlotte Faure Green
    Charlotte Faure Green

    Charlotte Faure Green is a BANT Registered Nutritionist, speaker, writer, and brand nutritional advisor. She provides one-to-one expert guidance both online and in person at her Brighton clinic. She helps stressed bodies and minds regain balance through real-world sustainable changes. You can find her on Instagram @charlottefauregreennutrition or contact her through her website at charlottefauregreen.com

  • 13:14 reading time (ish)
  • Energy Interviews with herbal experts Mood and mind

Nutritionist and stress expert Charlotte Faure Green shares her knowledge and wisdom on burnout with an interesting interview.

What is burnout?

Burnout: An interview with nutritionist and burnout expert Charlotte Faure Green

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged periods of stress. It manifests as low resilience, depression, cynicism, emptiness, feeling trapped, feeling ineffective, detached from the world, apathetic, insomnia and feelings of overwhelm.

As a term, it was originally used to describe the fallout from long-term stress caused by work, but a semantic shift and improved understanding means that we may apply it to any areas of life that cause such feelings of hopelessness.

Burnout goes beyond stress, it is a diminished capacity to deal with life’s stressors and needs urgent addressing for healing – it is essentially end-stage stress, cannot be sustained and, unlike stress, may feel never-ending and insurmountable to the sufferer.

Charlotte Faure Green

Charlotte Faure Green is a BANT Registered Nutritionist, speaker, writer, and brand nutritional advisor. She provides one-to-one expert guidance both online and in person at her Brighton clinic. She... Read more

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