Type 2 diabetes is increasingly common in industrially developed societies. Simon Mills explores the onset and management of Type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 or late-onset diabetes, marked by persistently high levels of glucose in the blood, is increasingly common in industrially developed societies. It is also rocketing in countries which have been industrialising most rapidly (e.g. India and China). It has been linked to excessive food intake, especially carbohydrate and sugar consumption, and a reduction in exercise. It is particularly associated with obesity and cardiovascular disease.
There are serious health complications of diabetes, especially if not controlled. There is a greater risk of cardiovascular disease and dementia, and in severe cases, of kidney disease, blindness and amputations. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the world, and rapidly increasing in its impact.
Fortunately most cases of Type 2 diabetes can be controlled by diet and exercise, and particularly by weight loss. There are likely to be added benefits with incorporating plant foods, spices and supplements into the diet. We will look at these opportunities.
Firstly we can consider five ways to address the onset and management of Type 2 diabetes.
Pre-diabetic syndrome

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is most often preceded and is accompanied by an increasing resistance to the action of insulin in moving glucose from the blood into the cells. This condition has been referred to as metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance syndrome, or syndrome X. It is a disorder of energy utilisation and storage, diagnosed by a co-occurrence of three out of five of the following medical conditions:
- Abdominal (central) obesity
- Elevated blood pressure
- Elevated fasting plasma glucose
- High serum triglycerides
- Low high-density cholesterol (HDL) levels
Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, particularly heart failure, and diabetes itself. Some studies have shown the prevalence in the UK to be over a third of the adult population (1) and this increases with age.
We will see there are a number of ways in which we can use plants to reduce insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance and the microvasculature

An immediate impact of increased insulin resistance is on the integrity of the endothelium, the cell wall lining of the blood vessels, and the single interface between blood and tissues at the capillaries.
The endothelium is the frontline in inflammation: this is where the white blood cells are activated and switch on inflammatory cytokines and other initiators. Many long-term complications of diabetes can be laid directly to the direct inflammatory pressures of insulin resistance.
Endothelial dysfunction leads to the following:
- Increased vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
- Capillary basement membrane thickening
- Increased inflammatory cell adhesion
- Increased leptin and inflammatory adipocytokines (from increased fatty tissue)
- Increased inflammatory activity and cytokine concentrations
- Yet more insulin resistance
This in turn leading to the following pathological developments:
- Oxidation-induced reduction in vasodilation
- Reduced tissue perfusion and hypoxia
- Impaired tissue oxidation – fatty infiltration and its pathological consequences
- Adiposity
There was a recent dramatic illustration of the importance of this endothelial interface in early observations of the incidence of severe complications of Covid-19: that these were associated with health conditions (obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes) associated with insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction.
We will see that there are promising plant based approaches to improving endothelial function.
Vascular complications of diabetes
The most distressing consequences of poorly managed diabetes follow from endothelial dysfunction and disruption in blood supply.

Retinopathy: Damage to capillary blood supply to the retina, with the development of microaneurysms, retinal haemorrhages, and exudates; this progresses to a ‘proliferative’ phase with the presence of new blood vessels. Blindness is a possible outcome.
Nephropathy: A persistent proteinuria which can progress to a decline in renal function and end-stage renal disease.
Neuropathy: Various nerve pathologies with symptoms determined by the nerves involved.
Such macrovascular problems are associated with atherosclerotic plaque formation, affecting blood supply to the heart, brain, limbs, and other organs. Later stages involve complete obstruction of these vessels, which can increase the risks of wider cardiovascular disease, including myocardial infarction, stroke, and gangrene (leading to amputation).
As in the previous section there is considerable evidence that a number of important plant constituents can improve endothelial integrity, and there are indications that this may reduce the incidence of diabetic complications.
Adipose-induced inflammation

Fatty tissues are inherently inflammatory. Adipose cells secrete a variety of cytokines, known as adipokines, including leptin, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and plasminogen-activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1). Fat tissue is also a key regulator of C-reactive protein.
Adipokines generate a state of low-grade generalised inflammation resulting in pathological defects in metabolism and blood flow. These inflammatory agents have been shown as a major mechanism for inducing insulin resistance and diabetes (2).
We shall see that there is promising research pointers to benefits of spices in reducing adipokine activities and in reducing the consequent rises in insulin resistance.
Management priority: Glycaemic control
It has long been confirmed that the most effective way to reduce diabetic complications is to bring down the raised levels of blood sugar that accompany the resistance to insulin.

The most useful first approach is to cut the rate at which glucose is produced and absorbed from food. This means at its simplest the reduction in amount of simple sugars, refined carbohydrates and alcohol in the diet and replacing them by complex, slow-release carbohydrates and proteins. To reduce complicating obesity and high cholesterol levels it also makes sense to cut back consumption of saturated fats.
A quick guide to the likelihood of a food pushing up blood glucose levels is its glycaemic index. This is defined by the American Diabetes Association as ‘a ranking of carbohydrates on a scale from 0 to 100 according to the extent to which they raise blood sugar levels after eating.’ Foods with a high GI are those which are rapidly digested and absorbed and result in marked fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Low-GI foods, by virtue of their slow digestion and absorption, produce gradual rises in blood sugar and insulin levels, and have proven benefits for health.
Low GI diets have been shown to improve both glucose and lipid levels in people with diabetes (type 1 and type 2). They have benefits for weight control because they help control appetite and delay hunger. Low GI diets also reduce insulin levels and insulin resistance.
A good GI Index is produced by the Harvard Medical School.
We shall see there are further ways in which we can reduce blood glucose levels using plant foods.

There are several categories of fibre.
- β-glucans such as cellulose in cereals, fruit, vegetables (in all plants in general)
and the mushroom glucans
- Hemicelluloses in cereals, bran, legume
- Lignin invegetables, fruits and cereals
- Resistant starch in barley, wheat, legumes, bananas, etc.
- Fructans such as inulin in onions, bananas, leeks, Jerusalem artichokes, and asparagus
- Polyuronides such as pectin in the fruit skins and vegetables, and alginic acids in agar and other algae
Various fibres are known to have laxative effects, and assist with cholesterol lowering (3). Specific glucose management effects include
- attenuated blood glucose responses (4,5,6)
- prebiotic benefits on gut microbiome (increased Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli, Faecalibacteria) (7)
- increased production of glucose-sparing short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) (8)
- increased incretins: glucagon like peptide (GLP-1), peptide YY (PYY) (9)
- reduced body weight (10)
- reduced lipogenesis, adipogenesis, adipocyte numbers and size, inflammation, oxidative stress (11)
Apart form increasing the amount of wholegrains, vegetables, pulses and fruit in the diet, high fibre remedies include linseed (flaxseed), psyllium seed and husk, ispaghula, guar gum, and agar agar.

Bitters have been used for their immediate effect in reducing sugar cravings associated with hypoglycaemic episodes. They have also been components of traditional formulations in diabetes, accompanied by hyperglycaemia. It has even been possible to speculate from these experiences that such an ‘adaptogenic’ effect is linked with a capacity to modulate insulin release.
Bitter principles in plants activate a family of around 30 receptors (TAS2Rs) tuned to each detect multiple bitter substances (perhaps as a defence mechanism against poisons) and with a wide range of physiological consequences, including changes in digestive activity (12,13) and an increase in blood flow to the digestive tract (14). They are found throughout the GI tract, airways, and other tissues (15), including pancreatic beta-cells. This latter location adds to the speculation that there is an explanation for the insulin modulating capacity of bitters.
Bitters have been shown to help manage glucose levels (16,17) with effects including the regulation of the hunger hormone ghrelin (18,19) increase in cholecystokinin (20) and regulation of key agents PYY and GLP-1 (21).
Classic bitter remedies associated with managing blood sugar levels include andrographis, neem, gentian root, wormwood, barberry bark (22) and golden seal.
There is increasing evidence that polyphenols, including flavonoids, anthocyanidins (the colours of fruits and vegetables), have a significant effect in glycaemic control (23), and on various aspects of metabolic syndrome (24,25).

In one trial daily cranberry juice (240 mL) consumption for 12 weeks and blueberry extract or powder supplementation (= 9-10 mg of anthocyanins) for 8 to 12 weeks showed a beneficial effect on glucose control in late-onset diabetic subjects (26).
In a major study (PREDIMED-Plus) involving observations over several years of 7447 elderly participants at high cardiovascular risk, polyphenol intakes were calculated from food frequency questionnaires. Analyses were stratified by sex and BMI groups (overweight and obese). Consumption of polyphenols were inversely associated with incidence of type 2 diabetes, especially on women and those overweight (27). In a subgroup of 3430 elderly persons at higher cardiovascular risk in this same study, a high intake of total polyphenols was also associated with a reduced risk of diabetes (28).
There are several possible mechanisms for such benefits (29). A number of clinical trials point to an improvement of endothelial function in patients whose diets were supplemented with cocoa (30), green tea (31) and anthocyanin-rich berries (32,33,34).
Polyphenols are also prebiotic (35,36) and it may be that changes in gut microbiome can be a significant factor (37,38). The microbiota also process polyphenols (by cleavage into simple phenols) so that large molecules that are poorly absorbed become active modulators of inflammation (39).
Foods that are likely to be helpful in providing useful levels of polyphenols include berries, green tea and high-cocoa, low-sugar chocolate (which has been shown significantly to improve insulin sensitivity and lipid profile (40)), as well as a range of herbal products (41).
Common kitchen spices are showing increasing signs of being very important in the management of metabolic syndrome, blood sugar levels, and particularly vascular complications (42,43).

Cinnamon has been shown to directly regulate blood sugar levels (44,45), to reduce insulin resistance (46,47).
A beneficial effect of various spices on endothelial factors in diabetes is very likely (48).
Turmeric has been shown directly to interact with adipocytes to suppress adipokines. These curcumin-induced alterations reverse insulin resistance, hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidaemia, and other symptoms linked to obesity. Other structurally similar constituents derived from red chili, cinnamon, cloves, black pepper, and ginger, also exhibit effects against obesity and insulin resistance (49).
Turmeric, ginger and other spices also reduce inflammatory activity originating from adipose tissue (50,51)
Ginger has been shown to regulate blood sugar levels by increasing thermogenesis and lipolysis, suppressing lipogenesis, inhibiting intestinal fat absorption, and controlling appetite (52), as well as by reducing insulin resistance (53,54).
The Asian paradox
The rampant increase in the incidence of diabetes in India (55) and China suggests that a high daily spice intake is not sufficient protection against the condition. However the prevalence of peripheral vascular disease in these countries is lower than that reported in European populations (56,57). Levels of retinopathy approximately half that found in the west have been seen in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, China (58). This reduces the likelihood that this is due to genetic differences and reinforces the idea that there are dietary reasons, and that it is increased spice intake that reduces vascular complications of diabetes.
Herbal advice for diabetics

After basic exercise and low GI diet:
- Increase consumption in the diet of spices, especially cinnamon, turmeric and ginger.
- Increase polyphenol consumption: green tea, black currant, blueberry, pomegranate, with rewards of 70% chocolate, with any alcohol ration restricted to red wine!
- Ensure high fibre consumption, with supplementation by seaweed and seed sources.
- Consider supplements with spice extracts such as turmeric, and ginger (especially if extra heating appropriate) and also careful use of bitters.
All these measures are on the assumption that the diabetes is being managed without the use of insulin or other medical prescriptions. In these cases there needs to be more care, especially if glycaemic management is not stabilised, as too abrupt a change in regime might precipitate a glycaemic crisis. For the same reason it is not advisable to attempt to add to the management of Type 1 diabetes without careful coordination with medical professionals and monitoring of blood sugar levels.
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