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Why there is such an increase in allergies and what herbalism can do about it

  • Vilma Matuleviciute
    Vilma Matuleviciute

    Vilma Matuleviciute, MSc (Herbal Medicine), Nat.Dip., CST, FIRH, MNIMH. I am an experienced medical herbalist, naturopath and craniosacral therapist, in clinical practice for over 16 years. With a background in biochemistry and food technology, I studied herbal medicine and naturopathy at the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) in Dublin, and went on to earn a Master’s degree in Western Herbal Medicine from the University of Westminster, London.

    Watch our Herbcast video with Vilma talking about Herbal approaches to heart health.

  • 12:57 reading time (ish)
  • Western herbal medicine Cleansing and metabolising Immunity
Why there is such an increase in allergies and what herbalism can do about it

With rising numbers in allergic reactions, Vilma Matuleviciute explores why there is such an increase and how herbal medicine can help.

Herbalists are seeing steadily increasing numbers of people presenting with allergies, including food allergies, in their clinical practices. People are having stronger symptoms and more hypersensitivity reactions. Various allergic diseases such as asthma, hay fever, urticaria, atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis are now affecting nearly 20% of the population across the world, and children are more affected than adults. (1)

There seem to be several external and internal factors contributing to this rise in allergies.

Vilma Matuleviciute

Vilma Matuleviciute, MSc (Herbal Medicine), Nat.Dip., CST, FIRH, MNIMH. I am an experienced medical herbalist, naturopath and craniosacral therapist, in clinical practice for over 16 years. With a... Read more

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