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Natural and easy ways to balance blood sugar

  • Kirsten Hartvig
    Kirsten Hartvig

    Kirsten Hartvig ND, MNIMH, DipPhyt trained at the School of Herbal Medicine, Tunbridge Wells, and the College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy in London. She is an acclaimed nutritionist, medical herbalist, and registered naturopath practising in The Rachel Carson Centre, Emerson College. 

    Kirsten is director of the Healing Garden, a biodynamic garden with over 400 species of medicinal plants. It is part of the Biodynamic Botanic Garden at Emerson College. 

    She is the author of 14 books on natural health and writes columns and articles for various newsletters and magazines. Kirsten teaches Nature Cure diploma courses onsite and online with Dr Nic Rowley, and she leads monthly herb walks and workshops on natural health and herbal medicine.

    Kirsten also teaches at the Nordic College of Natural Medicine in Denmark, where she was a government advisor on herbal medicine and part of the Danish Health Authority’s Council for Alternative Medicine. 

    Kirsten has taught nutrition and dietetics at the European School of Osteopathy and the Scottish School of Herbal Medicine Master’s degree course, and materia medica on the Heartwood Professional Course. 

    Kirsten developed the YouTube channel Herb Hunters for the Herbal Medicine Trust, and the Herbal Medicine Show on UK Health Radio.  She is a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, the British Herbal Medicine Association, the Society of Authors, and she is past president of the General Council and Register of Naturopaths.

  • 10:20 reading time (ish)
  • Cleansing and metabolising

How are our sugar-rich diets affecting our health and what steps can we take to reduce blood sugar? Kirsten Harvig offers us insight on risks and solutions.

Our relationship with sugar

Natural and easy ways to balance blood sugar

Stress and anxiety are the main causes of low blood sugar because the brain needs sugar to think, and muscles need it to be in a state of action. As the brain and muscles consume all available sugar in the blood, a craving for more develops, and as the state of emergency makes it impossible to make the body’s sugar reserves available soon enough, we reach for the quick fix snack out of necessity. This is why it is so smart and unfair of supermarkets to place the sweets at the checkout when you’ve just been stressing over what to buy in the limited time available, and the price of it!

The repeated seesaw of rapidly falling and rising blood sugar can lead to chronic high blood sugar (hyperglycaemia or high blood glucose), which is associated with a risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Diabetes was found to affect 537 million people worldwide in 2021, of which type 2 diabetes made up 90% (1). Type 2 diabetes tends to appear in middle or late middle age, usually after years of inactivity and eating the wrong foods. However, in recent years, type 2 diabetes is increasingly seen in younger people as more foods with a high glycaemic index (a measure of how quickly the ingestion of a carbohydrate causes an increase in blood sugar) are consumed and obesity spreads.

Kirsten Hartvig

Kirsten Hartvig ND, MNIMH, DipPhyt trained at the School of Herbal Medicine, Tunbridge Wells, and the College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy in London. She is an acclaimed nutritionist, medical... Read more

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