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herbal medicine

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The nervous system is responsible for our thoughts, emotions and movement

Nervous system health: An Ayurvedic perspective

The nervous system is one of the most complicated and sophisticated systems of our body which helps to regulate, govern and coordinate our body.

Understanding the nervous system

Prolonged stress of all kinds, whether physical, mental or emotional has a negative effect on health. The advances in technology have contributed to prolonged stress with many people working longer hours and not disconnecting from work. Even relaxation isn’t truly relaxing as the senses and nervous system aren’t given the chance to relax due to social media scrolling, gaming, action films and exposure to the news 24/7.

Understanding the root

Understanding the root of nervous system

Ayurveda places great emphasis on the importance of good digestive heath. Our agni (digestive fire) must be strong enough to be able to digest and assimilate nutrients from our food and to prevent ama (toxins) from forming. If ama is formed and not removed it is absorbed into the body and can obstruct normal functioning of the dhatu. (3)

Agni is not just found in the gut, each dhatu has its own agni. If dhatu-agni is low, excess tissue of a poor quality is produced. If dhatu-agni is too high, then a deficiency of the dhatu will occur as the heat will burn it up. When too little of a dhatu is formed or it is of poor quality, it is unable to nourish the next dhatu which will then also become depleted. (3)

In Ayurveda nervous system disorders are called ‘vata vyadhi’ which means that they have been caused by vitiated vata. Although problems of the nervous system can be due to imbalances in any of the doshas, vata disorders are the fundamental basis of most diseases. This is because vata is the dosha that moves so can change easily. The other two doshas cannot move into imbalance without vata’s influence. (5)

Vitiated vata can cause variability in agni resulting in impaired digestion. This leads to poor quality majja-dhatu formation. (3) Vata can move pitta, kapha and ama around the body where they may settle in weak dhatus. (5)

Vitiation of pitta causes the majja-dhatu to form faster than normal. This can cause majja-dhatu to heat up resulting in inflammation. Over a long period of time this can burn out the myelin and nerve tissue leading to conditions such as multiple scoliosis. (4)

Vitiation of kapha causes more majja-dhatu to be formed than usual also of bad quality. This makes the majja dhatu thick and heavy slowing the rate that the neurons can communicate with each other. It also slows the flow of prana. (4)

Many herbs are suitable for self-care. However if a health condition does not resolve with home remedies we recommend using the information in Herbal Reality along with your health advisors, especially herbal practitioners from the professional associations listed in our Resources page (‘If you want to find a herbalist”). When buying any herbal products, you should choose responsible manufacturers with independently assured quality standards and sustainability practices. Check the label carefully for the appropriate safety and sustainability information.

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