One of the most common presentations to herbal practice is persistent tiredness. We explore the roots of fatigue and herbal treatments.
Understanding fatigue
One of the most common presentations to herbal practice is persistent tiredness, “tired all the time”. This is however often accompanied by other distressing symptoms: compromised immune defences, poor digestive performance, depression, cognitive impairment, and a variety of aches and pains. The tiredness itself can be severely depleting, even paralysing.

Sometimes the condition comes with a name already attached to it: myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), post-viral syndrome, Lyme disease, glandular fever or mononucleosis, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Gulf War syndrome, and most recently ‘long covid’. It may be a feature of other conditions such as fibromyalgia (see Arthritis section). Sometimes it is simply the result of overwhelm: punishing work schedules, intolerable domestic or social pressures, simple exhaustion.
One approach has been to group the many conditions and circumstances as ‘chronic fatigue syndrome’ (CFS). Whatever the term or diagnosis, most sufferers report lack of support or even understanding from conventional medicine (occupational therapists and physiotherapists can be a notable exception). Often they are prescribed antidepressants or otherwise get the impression that the doctor feels this is ‘all in the mind’. The Victorian term for fatigue syndrome ‘neurasthenia’ (weakness of the nerves) still influences modern medical thinking in the west, and psychiatric treatment is still often considered. What all this does of course is reflect the lack of tools in conventional medicine for dealing with fatigue. Doctors do feel uncomfortable in dealing with something they cannot treat.
There are better prospects in taking a whole view of persistent fatigue, how it was understood through human history and what modern insights can tell us. These point to a complex disruption of immunological, neurological and endocrine networks leading to both psychological and somatic symptoms. They also point to well-used treatment approaches.
However, before going any further it is important to rule out other causes of fatigue. Anaemia is a common reason and blood tests should be carried out as a routine with long term fatigue. These may also be needed to pick up less common but serious causes like kidney failure and cancer.
How is chronic fatigue diagnosed?
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) was formally defined in 1988, then amended in 1994 by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as severe chronic fatigue for at least 6 months with other known medical causes excluded by clinical diagnosis, and including 4 or more of the following symptoms, which must have persisted or recurred during 6 or more consecutive months of illness and must not have predated the fatigue:
- Post-exertional malaise
- Impaired memory or concentration
- Unrefreshing sleep
- Muscle pain
- Multi-joint pain without redness or swelling
- Tender cervical or axillary lymph nodes
- Sore throat
- Headache
Currently there is no accepted biochemical test for CFS.
There is some resistance among sufferers to using this catch-all term, as some have chronic tiredness without exactly matching the above definitions. However it does allow us to look at common features of the many fatigue problems and we shall use it in the review as a convenient basket term. Because this topic does generate strong views, particularly among those affected feeling misunderstanding from health care professionals and media, we shall look for supportive evidence as we go.
Understanding the root

Viral infections
Many viruses have been implicated as causes of CFS, including Epstein–Barr (glandular fever, infectious mononucleosis), human parvovirus B19, herpesvirus-6 and -7 and Ross River virus. Initial influenza infections are often associated with later fatigue, and CFS can follow viral meningitis, viral hepatitis and various retrovirus and enterovirus infections.
Chronic fatigue epidemics have been seen in the wake of previous viral outbreaks and ‘long covid’ is only the most recent example. Fatigue sufferers often show signs that they have been combatting viral infections. Viruses in these circumstances have been shown to evade the body’s defences and become persistent infections, generating inflammatory cytokines, chronically affecting cell and tissue function and even intracellular mitochondrial capacity. It is also likely that post-viral complications are a secondary – perhaps autoimmune – consequence of the infections, even after the infection is over (“the virus has left the building”) (1).
Other infections
Chronic fatigue has been linked to proliferation in the gut and elsewhere of Candida albicans (candidiasis), and generalised infections with, or sensitivities to mould have also been cited as contributory factors.
It has also has been reported after salmonellosis, toxoplasmosis, brucellosis and Q fever. Mycoplasma infections have been detected in CFS sufferers: however it is not yet clear whether these might be causative or opportunistic.
Chronic Lyme disease, due to past or current infection with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, transmitted by bites from infected ticks, is presenting itself more often as a variation on CFS. Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans. This rash occurs in approximately 60–80% of infected persons and begins at the site of a tick bite after a delay of 3–30 days. A distinctive feature of the rash is that it expands across the body over a period of several days. If not detected or left untreated (antibiotics are generally effective), Borrelia infection can spread to joints, the heart, and the nervous system.
More widely, changes in the microbiome or gut flora have been linked to CFS. Compared with the stool samples from healthy controls, those from CFS sufferers showed reduced gut bacteria diversity, fewer anti-inflammatory and more pro-inflammatory bacteria. It is not yet possible to establish whether gut dysbiosis is a cause or consequence of CFS (2). However similar changes in microbiome count are associated with inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis, suggesting that chronic fatigue is at least associated with localised gut problems.
High markers of inflammation have long been associated with fatigue in even otherwise healthy subjects, and they are a common feature of chronic fatigue. There are widespread observations of cytokine activation, notably the interleukins (first responders to viral infections) and TNF-alpha. These cytokines are also seen in the early stages of influenza and directly lead to similar feelings of malaise reported by CFS sufferers.
HPA Axis
The primary hormonal stress response is a circuit that includes the adrenals, the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus, each producing hormones that regulate and affect the other. A well-functioning ‘hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis’ is an indicator of resilience and coping capacity, and a more useful concept than focusing just on the ‘adrenals’ (3).
A common feature of CFS appears to be reduced hypothalamic activity, including less corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) production, that in turn feeds to deficient adrenal cortex responses. Cortical hormones themselves also seem to be less active in peripheral tissues. The consequences of underperformance of the HPA axis include disrupted sleep patterns (leading to a vicious cycle of increasing fatigue that exacerbates all CFS symptoms) (4).
All this is shared also with the causes of clinical depression. This is a common feature of CFS and has led to unfortunate conclusion among many doctors that chronic fatigue is a form of depression. As we can see in this discussion it is much wider than that.
Although the science here is confused there are many pointers to the disruptive role of inflammatory cytokines on the HPA axis (5) – in other words this feature can be included in the consequences of increased inflammation referred to above.

Viral infections are particularly likely to mobilise longer term immune responses in the body and this can include increased levels of autoantibodies (antibodies to one’s own tissues). Variable changes in markers of B-cell and T-cell activity have been reported in CFS patients, as well as a wide range of autoantibodies. These include rheumatoid factor, thyroid antibodies and antinuclear antibodies and have led researchers to consider that CFS may be a form of autoimmune disease (6).
There are growing indications that some of the symptoms of ‘long covid’, the delayed and sometimes very debilitating aftermath of Covid-19, are auto-immune in nature (watch this space – updates will follow).
Gut dysfunction and dysbiosis
The digestive system is most likely to be involved in any condition marked by immunological disturbances. Indeed it is often central. There is increasing evidence of this in CFS. We have seen above that CFS is marked by lower levels in the bowel of protective microbiota, with one conclusion that the gastrointestinal tract of ME/CFS sufferers is a pro-inflammatory environment. Consequent damage to the gut wall (‘leaky gut’) is more likely, and increased blood levels of antibodies to Gram-negative gut bacteria lipopolysaccharides (LPS) has been seen. These findings resonate with clinical experience that symptoms of gut dysbiosis, irritable bowel and food intolerances are widely encountered in chronically fatigued patients.
Circulatory problems
CFS sufferers have been found to have significant disruption in heart and circulation. Abnormal ECG readings are a clinical norm, along with lowered left ventricular heart capacity and stroke volume (7). This is exacerbated by lower blood pressure linked to blood pooling in the veins (8), and poorer oxygen delivery associated with distorted red blood cells (9). On the other hand blood pressure often rises during sleep, linked to dominance of the sympathetic nervous system observed at that time (10).
Blood flow disruptions have also been reported, including to the brain (11), and this links to an important new area of research: the likelihood that many CFS symptoms may be due, not to psychological stresses, but actually to inflammation in the brain.
Abnormal MRI scans are a feature of CFS (12), and these have been linked to neuroinflammation, a condition marked by cytokine intrusion through the blood-brain barrier and the excitation of microglial cells in the brain. Activated microglia can be inflammatory and neurotoxic (13). CFS can thus be considered a form of encephalitis: this has led to an important re-evaluation of previous psychiatric approaches to chronic fatigue and other poorly diagnosed neurological disorders (14).
In CFS cognitive dysfunctions, involving many aspects of information processing, including memory defects and reduced attention, have definitively been established (15).
Disruption across systems
Given the bewildering diversity of factors listed above one can see something much larger going on here. One conclusion is that there is a widespread disruption across internal control systems: digestive-microbiome, immunological-inflammatory, circulatory, neurological and hormonal. Each affected system impacts on the others so that it is actually impossible to say which started it. In some cases even an initial infection can be seen as a result of such a breakdown, affecting defences, rather than just the cause. Given that we are each a complex living system (16), then a ‘cascade of failures’ can lead to generalised malfunctions (17).
Fortunately there is a flipside of such catastrophes. Complex living systems are also self-organising – showing spontaneous order – and tend to restore themselves, tending to revert to earlier patterns. Spontaneous recovery (18) is an intrinsic feature. (Anyone who wants an inspiring insight into how science and mathematics have transformed our understanding of nature and health can usefully introduce themselves to complex systems and then read on.)
Chronic fatigue may best be seen as the classic indication for a holistic ‘systems’ approach. Rather than focus on one aspect of the situation it may be better to assume that the condition has exposed a wider collision between that person and their world. If so the work is to create the opportunity for self-corrective ‘critical transition’ back to a new effective self-organisation. There is a very well established approach to this – it is called convalescence.
Herbal solutions
A large proportion of traditional medicines were ‘tonics’. This term referred to medicines for convalescence, remedies that in one way or another supported recovery of corrective functions in the body.
The choice of tonic remedies is very much an individual decision. Each person’s needs will be different. For some it may be better quality sleep; for another better appetite and digestion, or restored microbiome or gut wall integrity; for another improved eliminatory functions at bowel, kidney or liver/bile; or the focus may need to be on improved microcirculation or simply keeping warm. For many a priority for convalescence is to reduce nervous agitation and restlessness with calming remedies.
Traditional cultures also provided important therapeutic insights. In Ayurveda completely different approaches would follow assessment of deficient or excess doshas and the choice of relevant tonics, some covered in Herbal Reality.
In traditional Chinese medicine there was a very sophisticated assessment of appropriate tonics based on solid clinical observations though couched in the language of Chinese energetics.

Qi tonics
These support active energies. In one indication (‘deficient Spleen’) debility may affect assimilation and be associated with with depressed digestion, diarrhoea, abdominal pain or tension, visceral prolapse, pale yellow complexion with a tinge of red or purple, pale tongue with white coating and/or languid, frail or indistinct pulses. This may lead in turn to a ‘damp’ condition developing. In the second indication (‘deficient Lungs’), there is shortness of breath or shallow breathing, rapid, slow or little speech, spontaneous perspiration, pallid complexion, dry skin, pale tongue with thin white coating, weak and depleted pulses.
Qi tonics include:
- Astragalus membranaceus (huang qi)
- Atractylodes macrocephela (bai zhu)
- Codonopsis pilulosa (dang shen)
- Glycyrrhiza uralensis (gan cao – European licorice will do here)
- Panax ginseng (Asiatic ginseng – ren shen)
- Zizyphus jujuba (Jujube – da zao)
Yang tonics
These also support active energies, particularly those of the Kidneys and Heart. Deficient Kidney yang leads to listlessness with a feeling of cold and cold extremities, back and loins; there may be weak legs, poor reproductive function, frequency of micturition, nocturia, diarrhoea (especially early in the morning), pale complexion and submerged weak pulses. Deficient Heart yang is associated with poor performance and coordination associated with profuse cold sweating, breathlessness, thoracic or anginal pain on exertion, palpitations and fear attacks, cyanosis, white tongue coating and/or diminished, hesitant or intermittent pulses.
Yang tonics include:
- Eucommia ulmoides (du zhong)
- Juglans regia (walnut – hu tao ren)
- Morinda officinalis (ba ji)
- Trigonella foenum-graecum (Fenugreek – hu lu ba)
Xue (blood) tonics
These are remedies that support more substantial energies, those manifesting in more profound disturbances or pathologies. By definition, such disturbances are serious and profound and treatment will need to be prolonged. Symptoms of depletion of xue may include cyanosis, pallor, vertigo or tinnitus, palpitations, loss of memory, insomnia or menstrual problems.
Xue tonics include:
- Angelica sinensis (dang gui)
- Mori alba (mulberry fruit – sang shen)
- Paeonia lactiflora (Peony root – bai shao)
- Rehmannia glutinosa (sheng di huang (fresh) and shu di huang (prepared)).

Yin tonics
These are remedies for the most depleted conditions, replenishing the body fluids and providing substantial energies and nourishment. Application is further differentiated by Chinese function. Deficient Kidney yin often follows very serious debilitating disease, overwhelming stress or life abuse. It may manifest as a pale complexion with red cheeks, red lips, dry mouth, dry but deeply red tongue, dry throat, hot palms and soles, palpitations, vertigo or tinnitus, pains in the loins, night sweats, nocturnal emissions, nightmares, urinary retention, constipation, accelerated though weak pulses.
Deficient Liver yin, usually following the above, is often associated with dry eyes, poor vision and vertigo or tinnitus, deafness, muscle twitching, sleeplessness, hot flushed face with red cheeks, red dry tongue with little coating, diminished, stringy and accelerated pulses. Deficient Stomach yin is marked by anorexia, regurgitation, thirst, abdominal rumbling, red lips and red tongue with no coating. Deficient Lung yin , often following prolonged exposure to dryness or chronic pulmonary disease is marked by dry cough, haemoptysis, hoarseness and loss of voice, strong thirst and/or restlessness and insomnia.
Yin tonics include:
- Asparagus cochinchinensis (tian men dong)
- Ligustrum lucidum (nu zhen zi)
- Lycium chinensis (gou qi zi)
- Ophiopogon japonicus (mai men dong)
- Sesamum indicum (sesame seeds – hei zhi ma)
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