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herbal medicine

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Broken bones are known interchangeably as fractures

Broken bones

Broken bones are known interchangeably as fractures. We take a look at the herbs that play a role in helping bones to heal successfully.

Understanding broken bones

broken bones

Broken bones are known interchangeably as fractures. Fractures are defined as a breach in the structural continuity of the bone cortex, which may involve a degree of injury to the surrounding soft tissues (1).

Fractures are a public health issue the world over, and for the individual can lead to disability, impaired quality of life, health loss, and more broadly speaking high healthcare costs (2).  A review from 2008 of fracture epidemiology estimated that in England alone the overall annual fracture incidence is 3.6% of the population (3).

Since fractures are so common, helping them heal well is undoubtedly beneficial not only in the short-term but also for avoiding the potential longer-term repercussions of poorly healed fractures. These can include disability, reduced bone strength, mobility and therefore quality of life.

Herbs can play an important role in helping bones to heal successfully and efficiently.

Many herbs are suitable for self-care. However if a health condition does not resolve with home remedies we recommend using the information in Herbal Reality along with your health advisors, especially herbal practitioners from the professional associations listed in our Resources page (‘If you want to find a herbalist”). When buying any herbal products, you should choose responsible manufacturers with independently assured quality standards and sustainability practices. Check the label carefully for the appropriate safety and sustainability information.

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