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Mental health and men: A herbalist’s perspective

Mental health and men: A herbalist’s perspective

Herbalist Jonny Woodall discusses how herbal medicine can support resilience, healing and transformation.

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation” – Henry David Thoreau

Men in the developed western world are struggling. Spiralling rates of depression, suicide and poor mental health increase year on year in most western countries. The statistics paint a woeful picture (1):

  • Nearly 75% of adults who are reported missing are men
  • 87% of rough sleepers are men
  • Three times as many men as women die by suicide
  • Men report lower levels of life satisfaction than women
  • The vast majority of the prison population are men
  • Men are more likely to be detained under the mental health act
  • Men are three times more likely to be drug and alcohol dependent than women
  • Suicide is the leading cause of death for adult men under the age of 50
  • Approximately 75% of the 6,000 recorded suicides in the UK in 2017 were male

How did we get here

It is difficult to point at one solid piece of data or theory as to why men are in the situation we find ourselves today.

In my work with men I believe the underlying themes point towards a number of different reasons:

  • Lack of purpose or meaning in life
  • The addiction to short term gratification – Food, material positions, sex, gambling etc.
  • Poor male mentoring influence – No father in the childhood home or strong, well rounded male figures in the patient’s life
  • The glorification of violence, money and tyrannical power as a pursuit to meaning
  • Trauma
  • Adverse childhood events (2)
  • A society that values academic pursuits instead of a well-rounded, meaningful spiritual pursuit towards discovering truth and purpose
  • Poor boundaries and a lack of assertiveness
  • Lacking healthy morals

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