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Turmeric vs omeprazole for stomach acid relief

  • Claire Goulding
    Claire Goulding

    Claire Goulding, BSc (Hons) MNIMH, is a Medical Herbalist, Facilitator and Massage Therapist based in the Southwest, with over 18 years of experience working in education and 14 years in clinical settings. Claire’s company, ‘Learn Botanics’ offers educational workshops and runs a specialist women’s health 1:1 clinic, she sees patients all over the UK and abroad her online clinic via Napiers Dispensary.

  • 10:43 reading time (ish)
  • Research

Pharmaceutical side effects can be avoided by using effective herbal medicines instead. This article shares how turmeric can be used instead of omeprazole.

Turmeric vs omeprazole for stomach acid relief
Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Digestive issues are one of the most common daily ailments, in fact, it is estimated gastrointestinal disorders account for about 10% of the clinical work of the NHS (1).

The application of herbs to aid digestive complaints has been tradition in some communities for millennia, for instance, we have records that show ginger has been used in traditional Asian medicine systems for over 5000 years (2). Across the world herbal medicines are still a very common way to treat digestive issues, and are especially prevalent in more traditional communities. Numerous ethnomedicinal studies have shown that globally the use of medicinal plants by these populations to treat digestive problems is still widespread (3).

Today, with an ever-growing body of research, it is an exciting time to celebrate herbs, their therapeutic actions, and their place in supporting better health alongside conventional medicine. In this article, we’re going to shine a light on the golden herb, turmeric, and delve into some recent clinical findings on how turmeric has shown efficacy in helping reduce symptoms of acid reflux.

Claire Goulding

Claire Goulding, BSc (Hons) MNIMH, is a Medical Herbalist, Facilitator and Massage Therapist based in the Southwest, with over 18 years of experience working in education and 14 years in clinical... Read more

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